Luna Elizabeth Lovegood...

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Narrator's POV

On a beautiful spring day a year and a half later, the family of three ate breakfast together in the dining room when Tom felt someone apparate through the wards.

Knowing that only Death Eaters could apparate into the manor —besides them— without sounding the silent alarms, they knew it was a friend and not foe entering their home.

Within minutes, Missy the House-Elf led Xenophilius and Pandora Lovegood —two new members of the Inner Circle because of the seer abilities— to where the Dark Nobles and the General ate.

"Xenophilius, Pandora," The Dark Lord greeted, "why are you here?"

"We have terrible news, my Lord." Xenophilius replied

"I have had a vision, my Lord: Xeno and I will not survive the month, much less the war." Pandora elaborated, her eyes reddened from hours of tears

"And since neither one of us has any living family, we would like it if you could find a place for our daughter, Luna, to live in safety." Xenophilius finished

"Of course we will, it will be your reward for years of faithful service." The Dark Lady replied

"Thank you, my Lady." Pandora thanked, handing Lady Tenebris a light brown basket that held a beautiful baby girl inside who was comforted by a ruffled pillow

" Pandora thanked, handing Lady Tenebris a light brown basket that held a beautiful baby girl inside who was comforted by a ruffled pillow

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The Dark Lady smiled at the infant, "Hello, little one."

Each Lovegood pressed a kiss to their daughter's little head and apparated away.

As soon as the Death Eaters were gone, Harry stroked a curl out of Luna's face, "Missy, prepare the nursery as quickly as possible for her."

"Yes, Master Harry." Missy replied, going to clean and refurnish the nursery

Harry then looked to Tom, "Should we keep her name Luna or change it?"

"Whatever you desire, my love." Tom replied, examining the girl that was to be his daughter

"I like Anaelle." Harry decided, "Her name is now Anaelle Celeste Riddle."


The now family of four finished breakfast and Harry walked into the nursery for the first time since they claimed the manor as their own thirty-four years ago.

As he walked into said room with his daughter cradled in his arms, he looked into the formerly filthy room in awe.

Missy had decorated the nursery perfectly: the formerly dusty and musty room was now spotless; the formerly falling-apart crib was now in perfect condition with fluffy cushions; a soft grey rug was on the floor surrounding the crib; and the walls'...

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Missy had decorated the nursery perfectly: the formerly dusty and musty room was now spotless; the formerly falling-apart crib was now in perfect condition with fluffy cushions; a soft grey rug was on the floor surrounding the crib; and the walls' paint was no longer chipped and peeling.


Unfortunately for Pandora and Xenophilius, they were targeted by both the Ministry of Magic and the Order of the Phoenix and were killed by the end of the month.

By that time, Tom and Harry had blood-adopted little Anaelle —who's straight blonde hair was now a curly black and blue eyes were now green— in a special form thanks to Gringotts.

She would be both Anaelle Riddle and Luna Lovegood at the same time: Luna would attend Hogwarts when the time came and was living with the Malfoys when in reality she was Anaelle living safely with her brother and parents.

Their little girl was going to be safe and Harry took to mothering a baby seamlessly.

Three months later, the now seven-month year old was a well behaved baby, only crying when she needed something.


Doing paperwork in his office, Lord Voldemort read the notes Severus had given him from overhearing Albus Dumbledore and Sybil Trelawney talk.

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Nobles approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the third month is born and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal and one side must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives."

And the only people who had defied them three times were Molly -Ignatius' niece- and her husband, Arthur, who had foolishly joined the Order as well as Alice and Frank Longbottom.

And Alice and Frank did not have any children, so the only logical choice was Molly and Arthur, who had seven children.

Interrupting the Dark Lord's thoughts, the door opened to reveal Harry with little Anaelle on his hip.

"Whatcha doing, Tom?" Harry asked

"Nothing now." Tom replied, putting the prophecy down

Harry looked to Anaelle, "Do you want to say 'hi' to papa, sweetie?"

Anaelle didn't speak but smiled and held out three fingers to him.

"So, what were you doing before we came in." Harry rephrased his question

"Just some planning." Tom answered, "The War would be over by now if Albus don't meddle with everything."

Harry frowned, "As soon as we find that spy, he'll lose his informant."

Anaelle watched her parents talk, not liking the fact that no one was paying her any attention even though she was making noises and moving her hands, so she decided to try something else.

"Papa." Anaelle called out

To this, both males froze and Tom thought his brain short-circited since he could have swore he heard his little girl call out for him.

"Papa." Anaelle repeated, her cheeks flushed and her chubby arms outstretched towards him

Harry laughed, "Well, its obvious she's going to be a daddy's girl."

"Of course she is." Tom replied, picking the infant up and twirling her, then talking to Anaelle, "Isn't that right, my little Angel? And we're just going to make you a model little snake and everything will be perfect."

Anaelle giggled as Harry pointed out, "She could be a Ravenclaw like her brother."

"Maybe." Tom agreed, "But she could be a Slytherin."

Harry took Anaelle from Tom, "But that's for later, first it's a bottle followed by nap-time."

Tom smiled as he watched his darling and their daughter leave the office, the paper with the prophecy popped back into mind.

He needed to destroy the threat before it could take his family from him...

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