The Gryffindor Test...

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Narrator's POV

A week later, the 112 Champions made their way to the Qudditch Pitch where the First Test was going to be held.

The students who were not going to compete sat on the bleachers to watch, as Headmaster Dippet spoke, "Today will be the Gryffindor Test that will test your daring. Each year will complete against each other and half of the teams will be eliminated. Will the Seventh Year Hufflepuff and Gryffindors stay and the rest go to the sidelines?"

They battled, resulting in Gryffindor's victory over Hufflepuff and Slytherin beat Ravenclaw.

And for the Sixth Years, Hufflepuff beat Gryffindor and Slytherin beat Ravenclaw.

Fifth Year: Gryffindor beat Hufflepuff and Slytherin beat Ravenclaw.

Fourth Year: Hufflepuff beat Gryffindor and Ravenclaw beat Slytherin.

Third Year: Gryffindor beat Hufflepuff and  Slytherin beat Ravenclaw.

Once the duel between the Third Years ended, the Slytherins stepped forward to duel the Ravenclaws.

Tom faced Myrtle Warren, Harry faced Courtney Geary, Abraxes faced Ashly Test, and Ignatius faced Mary Calls.

Tom and Harry had to remind themselves which spells they had just 'learned' and that that was the only thing they could use while being watched: the Dancing Feet Spell, the Engorgement Charm, the Fire-Making Charm, the Freezing Charm, the General Counter-Spell, the Memory Charm, the Tickling Charm, the Unlocking Charm, the Slowing-Down Charm, the Wand-Lighting Charm, the Softening Charm, the Severing Charm, the Levitation Charm, the Locking Spell, and the Mending Charm.

And from that the only ones that could be used in a duel was: the General Counter-Spell, the Slowing-Down Charm, the Severing Charm, the Tickling Charm, the Fire-Making Charm, the Freezing Charm, and the Dancing Feet Spell.

But even with the limitations, they enjoyed the challenge.

The two teams stood face to face, wands at the ready.

They stood still for awhile, waiting to see who would decide to strike first.

Myrtle twitched, growing impatient, she decided to make the first move by casting the Ticking Charm at Tom.

Tom flicked his wand, irritation clearly shone on his face as he narrowed his eyes, casting the counter spell.

Myrtle frowned, upset that a Slytherin was beating her.

Tom grinned smugly, throwing the Freezing Charm thus effectively beating her.

Harry didn't waste time throwing the Freezing Charm at Courtney, wanting the duel to be over.

Abraxes made a show by throwing the Dancing Feet Spell at Ashly before casting the Freezing Charm.

Mary gulped, hoping Ignatius would take pity on her, after all, wasn't he a former Hufflepuff?

But she got none, Ignatius grinned maliciously as he threw the Freezing Charm: he might be a former Hufflepuff, but he was a proud Slytherin now.

Slytherin easily beat Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff went up to face Gryffindor.

After a few minutes of incompetent fighting, Hufflepuff won.

First Year: Gryffindor beat Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw beat Slytherin.

And so, half the teams were eliminated.


Inside the Ravenclaw Second Year Girl's Dorm, the Muggle-Born Myrtle Warren sulked: a Slytherin beat her!

And Riddle didn't even look like he was trying or even interested!

Who did he think he was?!


In the Slytherin Common Room, the Slytherins celebrated their almost complete victory over Ravenclaw, but the First Years and Fourth Years were ashamed in their loss.

Grabbing a bottle of Butterbeer while Tom grabbed a glass of smuggled Firewhiskey, the couple made their way to the sidelines of the party.

Sometime along the line, Harry interestedly watched a drunken conga-line form between the other Slytherins, once someone fell down a domino effect occurred and everyone doing the conga was on the floor on top of each other.

Looking up at the clock, Tom decided he had had enough of the party, took Harry's hand, and led them back to their dorm.

Once teeth had been brushed and they were in sleep-wear, Harry sat on his bed to check over his Potions Essay.

Sitting next to him, Tom read a Dark Arts book.

In a few minutes or maybe an hour —with no clock in the dorm room it was impossible to tell— Harry eventually fell asleep, his head resting on Tom's lap.

Closing his book, Tom stroked Harry's messy, black hair, confident that no one would see them since music and talking could still be heard from the Common Room.

And he stayed like that, stroking his love's hair and examining his body until he heard walking towards the dorm, then he got up —careful not to wake Harry— and put the book back in his trunk, crawled into his own bed, covered himself, and fell asleep...

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