Yule Break...

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Narrator's POV

Soon enough September melted into October followed by November and now it was December, so the Ravenclaw daughter of two Dark Wizards returned home to her mother and brother with a surprise in tow.


"Muma." Anaelle addressed, sitting on a soft chair in front of her mother

"Yes, sweetie?" Harry asked, looking up from the plans he was critiquing

"What was papa like?" Anaelle asked, her green eyes filled with a curiosity Harry knew came from him

Harry put the papers down and faced her, knowing not to lie and say he was perfect, because Tom wasn't perfect at everything as much as he liked to believe he was, so Harry told his view of his husband —sparing all of the disturbing details, "We grew up together and as the years passed it became clear he was the only one for me. We both knew it, right away. And as the years went on, things became more difficult as we were faced with more challenges. That night, I begged him to stay, tried to convince him not to leave in the middle of the night on some errand. He was charismatic, magnetic, electric, and everybody knew it. When he walked into a room, everybody's head turned and people got up to talk with him. He was like this hybrid, this mix of a man who couldn't contain himself. I always got the sense that he became torn between being a good person and missing out in all the opportunities that life could offer a man as magnificent as him. And in that way, I...understood him. And I loved him, I loved him, I loved him and I still love him. I love him."

Anaelle's smile grew bigger once the story finished and suddenly, the door handle into the office began to turn, causing Harry's eyes to widen slightly as one thought ran into his head, "How is someone here. I would've felt the wards. Alistair is exhausted from last night's raid so he's asleep, Anaelle and I are here, Nagini is asleep in my bedroom."

With the reflexes only a mother protecting their young could have, Harry picked up his wand, and silently walked towards the door.

The door opened, and without hesitation, Harry cast, "Petrificus Totalus!"

The figure standing in the doorway froze and under examination Harry noted that this was one of Anaelle's teachers from what he had heard from his daughter, a Professor Qurriell.

"Harry." A voice the Dark Lady hasn't heard in ten years said in Harry's head, "Love, please unfreeze me."

Harry canceled out the charm as quickly as he cast it, "T-Tom?"

"Yes, it's me." Tom clarifies, speaking though the teacher's mouth

Tears of joy spring up in Harry's eyes, "Anaelle, honey, go wake up your brother."

The eleven-year-old girl giggled as she ran out of the office and down the hall to her brother's room.

Back in the office, the two Dark Wizards there continued to talk.

"What...what happened that night?" Harry asked

"My body and soul were split apart by my rebounding Killing Curse and I've been searching for a way to return ever since." Tom answered, hearing Tom speak with Qurriell's voice was weird for Harry

"Why'd you go after that brat?" Harry asked

"There was and still is a prophecy that said that he would kill us." Tom honestly answered

"And you didn't think to tell me?" Harry said

"I didn't want to worry you over a problem I believed I could easily solve." Tom answered

Harry shook his head, not wanting to start a fight, "Have you found a way to get your body back?"

"Yes. Albus is hiding the Philosopher's Stone somewhere in the school, I'm getting close to working the location out of the staff." Tom replied

Before Harry could say anything else, Alistair walked into the room, saying, "Mum, can I talk to papa alone for a couple of minutes?"

"Of course." Harry replied, beginning to walk out to give his husband and his son a moment to privately speak

"By the way, Ellie said she wanted you to help her with her holiday homework." Alistair informed

As soon as the door shut behind the Dark Lady, Alistair's calm look became slightly stern, causing Tom to think, "Of course Alistair is angered with me. The attending mother is always given more loyalty than the absent father.

A million emotions seemed to flash across the thirty-year-old's face, but only one word managed to come out of his mouth, "Why?"

"I didn't even think that the events that occurred that night were even a possibility. And we all suffered for my mistake. I'm sorry, son." Tom apologized

"You don't even know half of it." Alistair muttered, "On November 1, 1981 I woke up to the sound of my mother screaming in agony I couldn't even describe if I tried. That night and every night since I have heard my mum cry himself to sleep. The ver next day, a barely adult had to step up from assisting planning a war to planning a war. On May 31, 1982 I walked in to this very office and saw my sweet mother crying while wearing a suit jacket that was clearly several sizes too big and drinking firewhiskey with only your wedding ring for company and the next year I learned this would become a repeating pattern. Two years later, the majority of the Knights of Walpurgis caught the newest strain of dragonpox and passed away —the only one left is Druella Black, and she doesn't look like she has much time left— so my mother was completely alone and out of friends except for Azazel." Alistair glared at his father for a moment, "I missed you, we all missed you, and mum and Anaelle might forgive you but sorry won't cut it for me."

Alistair then turned away and left the room, leaving Tom alone to his thoughts, "As soon as I get my body back, I'm going to spend forever making this up to them."...

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