Dementors and Muggle-Borns...

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Narrator's POV

After being rejected from teaching at Hogwarts, Lord Voldemort dedicated the majority of his time planning raids to the homes and businesses of well known Muggle-Supporters.

So now the names Voldemort and Tenebris could spark fear wherever they were whispered.


"Minister I. Tuft: Breeding Dementors?

Minister Ignatius Tuft, the son of his predecessor, Minister Wilhelmina Tuft (who unfortunately passed away earlier this year after discovering all too late about her allergy of Alihotsy-flavored fudge), had tried to institute a dangerous Dementor breeding program yesterday, August 23, 1959.

Minister I. Tuft says that the purpose of this new program is to have the Dark Creatures warden Azkaban and keep the prisoner there heavily guarded.

But could he have more sinister purposes?

Many Pureblood families argue that forcing the creatures a solitary existence on Azkaban Island is serverly limited their rights as magical creatures.

While on the opposing side, Muggle-Borns claim that allowing the Dementors to roam free is a painful reminded of the Dark Magic that Grindlewald and the Hallows murdered friends and family with.

But I believe that either way, we are in for a rough ride.

Maria Skeeter, Special Correspondent to the Daily Prophet."


This was an outrage!

As a creature group the Dementors should be allowed to have the freedom to roam, but there was little they could do them them at the moment.


Within three years, Minister I. Tuft was thrown out of office and replaced with Nobby Leach, the first Muggle-Born Minister of Magic.

No one had any problem with his blood status (since blood purity was dying off since more and more squibs were produced because of inbreeding) but they had problems with all the restrictions he was putting on supposedly 'Dark' magic and creatures —especially werewolves— and many were join his self-righteous quest to rid the Wizarding World of most of its traditions and magics.

Obviously, Lord Voldemort and Lady Tenebris wanted him gone.

Luckily, after several attempts, Abraxes managed to infect him with dragon-pox and he died within six years of taking office.


"Minister Leach: Dragon-Pox Infection?

Last night, controversial Minister of Magic Nobby Leach passed away at home due to catching a rare-strain of dragon-pox.

How he got infected with the disease is unknown, but he did and it was fatal.

The Lords of the Wizengamot have voted Head-Aurour Eugenia Jenkins for new Minister.

Maria Skeeter, Special Correspondent to the Daily Prophet."


But it was too soon to judge Minster Eugenia Jenkins on her goals just yet.

And for three years, it was peaceful, until one day...

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