The First Knight...

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Narrator's POV

A few days later Harry and Tom found themselves in the Hogwarts Library writing their various homework essays.

They were currently writing their Defense Against the Dark Arts essay that Professor Merrythought had assigned.

After a few minutes, Harry went up and down the aisles looking for a book to reference in his essay when a almost-white-blond boy with steel grey eyes pulled him aside.

"Hello, Harry Potter, my name is Abraxas Malfoy. I'm a pureblood, you're a half-blood, why are you hanging out with the mudblood over there?" Abraxas asked

"Mudblood? You mean Tom?" Harry asked

"Yes. How do you know him?" Abraxas asked

"Tom is not a mudblood he's a half-blood like me. We were in the orphanage together." Harry answered, confused

"Oh." Abraxas muttered, his eyes widened in shock and embarrassment, "I'm am so sorry I said that. Wait an orphanage?"

"Yes, an orphanage. What about it?" Harry asked, slightly annoyed

"Why were you in a orphanage? Potter is an ancient British Wizarding Family any other Wizarding Family would have gladly raised you. And Riddle isn't a Wizarding name —thus my assumption— but which line is Tom from?" Abraxas asked, a blush of embarrassment on his pale face

"His mother was a Gaunt, is that one?" Harry asked

Abraxas' eyes widened even more and he mindlessly ran his finger through his short hair, "Oh Merlin, I just insulted the heir of Slytherin. I just insulted everything my family stands for. Oh Merlin, I just called the heir of Slytherin a mudblood. Oh Merlin."

"Do you want to talk to Tom?" Harry asked

"Yes, please." Abraxas nodded, still in shock

Harry led Axabras to where Tom was furiously writing, "Tom this is Abraxas."

"Hi?" Tom greeted, confused

"You'''re the heir of Salazar Slytherin." Abraxas muttered

"Yes and Harry is the heir of Gryffindor. I'd prefer if you didn't say it out loud." Tom deadpanned

"Oh, right. Sorry. Oh Merlin." Abraxas apologized, rubbing his forehead, "You two were raised by Muggles so I bet you don't know anything about the Wizarding World, so I'll help you."

"Sure." Harry said

"I, Abraxas Hamish Malfoy, pledge my body, magic and soul to thee, Tom Riddle and Harry Potter, my chosen Lords. I pledge to uphold your beliefs, to fight for your goals, to live and die by your word. So I pledge it, so mote be it." Abraxas swore, kneeling

"So, what do you know about us?" Tom asked

"The Potters were a very important Light Wizarding Family and they openly fought against Grindlewald so he killed them, but you survived, Harry or you where somewhere else. I don't know. And I don't know about your parents, Tom, but I will stand by you both no matter what. Merlin's beard the heir of Gryffindor is in Slytherin. I'm friends with both the heir of Gryffindor and the heir of Slytherin." Abraxas answered

"We have been here for barely a week and we have a follower, Tom." Harry whispered in Parseltounge

"Just our ancestry alone was enough to convince him." Tom replied


"Grindlewald Spotted in England.

Dark Lord Gellert Grindlewald was spotted alone in London last night.

It is unknown if any of his Hallows are with him.

Any knowledge about him is welcomed.

We will keep you updated as we know.

Maria Skeeter, Special Correspond to the Daily Prophet."


Professor Albus Dumbledore sighed as he read the newest Daily Prophet, he knew exactly why Gellert was in England: he was after the Invisibility Cloak.

Albus knew his lover wanted all of the Deathly Hallows.

Hopefully he wouldn't kill anyone else to get it in their possession, but if he did it would be for the greater good...

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