The Crystal Cave...

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Narrator's POV

The rest of the school year went off without a hitch, Ravenclaw won the House-Cup and Hufflepuff won the Qudditch Cup, so everyone had to return to their homes for the Summer —or in Tom and Harry's case, the Orphanage.

Though stuck around Muggles, Tom and Harry smuggled many copied Dark Arts books they stole from the Hogwarts Library with them to entertain themselves during the break until they went supply shopping.


In late July, the entirety of Wool's Orphanage was on their annual daylong vacation at the Crystal Cave Beach.

Like always, Tom Riddle and Harry Potter left the other orphans and Mrs. Cole as well as the staff, to be alone, so they went down into a large cave little ways from the beach.

But on this trip, Amy Benson and Dennis Bishop, two best friends in the Orphanage, followed the secret couple into the cave to see what they were up to.

The duo saw Tom and Harry sitting against the wall, connected by the lips.

Amy gasped, causing Dennis quickly slap a hand over her mouth to prevent her from making sound, but neither Muggle noticed a small object moving away from them.

After a minute, the couple parted and Harry giggled, "Thanks for the birthday gift, Tom."

"You're welcome, love." Tom replied, kissing Harry again

They once again parted, and Harry stood up and picked up his birthday gift —which was a broom— mounted it, flying to the high ceiling and did tricks in the air, "I love it, Tom!"

"You said you wanted to try out for the Qudditch team when we get back to school, so now you can." Tom replied, watching Harry

Suddenly, a tiny snake —an anaconda from what Amy and Dennis had learned at school— slithered next to Tom, who stroked her.

"Two Muggles are in the cave, Master." Nagini hissed

"Where?" Tom asked

"Behind the rocks about twenty feet away." Nagini replied

Tom, reached into his jacket pocket, pulled out a long, white stick, turned to where Amy and Dennis were hiding, and whispered, "Accio Muggles."

Suddenly, Amy and Dennis found themselves being pulled from their hiding place and towards Tom.

When Amy and Dennis came into view, Harry nearly fell off his broom in surprise, "What are they doing here?"

"Sticking their noses where they don't belong." Tom spat, quickly casting 'Incarcerous' and 'Silencio' to tie them up and silence them

To that, Harry landed, set down his broom, and stood beside his boyfriend, "What are we going to do with them, Tom?"

"I don't know." Tom replied, lightly shrugging

"Well, the traces on our wands are broken since we found that spell during Yule, there are ways to delete the spell histories on our wands, and we've been studying all sorts of Light and Dark magic, so why not use some? After all, I've been itching to try out the Cruciatus Curse." Harry suggested

"I love the way you think, Harry." Tom complimented, taking out his wand

Amy and Dennis screamed inaudibly, "Tom, can we remove the Silencing Spell off them and put some Muggle-Repelling Wards and a Silencing Ward up or something, I, personally, want to hear what the Unforgivables sounds like on them. After all, a opportunity like this is too good to miss out on."

Tom raised his wand, pointing it towards the entrance of the cave, "Repello Muggletum."

Tom then removed the Silencing Spell from the Muggles, Amy screamed, "LET US GO! PLEASE! LET US GO!"

"I don't think so." Harry giggled, pulling out his wand, "Crucio!"

Amy screamed in pain, and Harry removed the spell after a minute.

"Aguamenti" Tom cast, almost drowning Dennis, but stopping the spell before it could

Dennis coughed up water, "STOP! I'LL DO ANYTHING YOU WANT!"

"Anything?" Tom coldly asked

"Anything you want." Dennis promised

Harry laughed at Dennis as he threw another Crucio on Amy, "What about you, Amy, will you do anything to get out of this pain?"

"Y-Yes." Amy promised

"What should we make them do, Tom?" Harry asked

"We could make them stay quiet about what they saw here and use them on a later date." Tom decided

"Good thinking." Harry agreed

"Amy, Dennis, you two are going to do whatever we want you two without question. And if you try to tell anyone what you saw or experienced here you'll get a not-so-friendly reminder." Tom threatened, then casting, "Nondico" to give them a sharp pain on their sides to stop them from telling

"Y-Yes, s-sir." Amy and Dennis whimpered, rushing out of the cave


Inside of the Dumbledore Family Home, Gellert Grindlewald and Albus Dumbledore sat at a table with the Elder Wand between them.

"Where was the Resurrection Stone and the Cloak of Invisibility seen last, Gellert?" Albus asked

"The stone was lost from record, but the cloak was passed down from the third brother, Ignotus Peverell, to his son. And if my theory holds true the son passed it on to his child and so forth." Gellert said, "So the current Lord or Heir to the family has it."

"The Peverell Family is gone, either married in or gone entirely." Albus shot down

"Then the new Lord or Heir of the married-in family —if there is one— has it." Gellert said

"It will take forever to get access to the family records." Albus angrily muttered

"Then we'll look for the Resurrection Stone until we can get our hands on it." Gellert offered

"It can be anywhere." Albus said, taking a sip from his wine glass

"Yes, but the thrill is in the chase, is it not?" Gellert laughed...

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