The Order of the Phoenix...

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Narrator's POV

Inside of the office in Riddle Manor, the Dark Nobles worked while the portrait of Salazar Slytherin slept behind them —they had brought it with them last them last time they had been near the school when Tom hid the Diadem in the Room of Misplaced Objects.

"Tom, do you think Alistair needs more money? I don't want him to run out." Harry asked his husband, writing a list of supplies

"He isn't using much, sweetheart, just on the trolley since Hogsmeade trips won't start until next year for him." Tom reminded, deep into paperwork

Pausing momentarily, Tom remembered a sight he had come across several weeks before they met Alistair and it saddened him to think about it.

After a long day of papaperwork, Tom made his way into the master bedroom.

After he silently opened the door to the bedroom, he saw his love staring into the full length mirror, examining a simple glamour.

A glamour that made him look six months pregnant.

Harry didn't notice his husband for several moments, but when he did, he quickly ended the glamour.

Tom's heart stung, it had been twenty-eight years since they bonded and since the Knights started having children —hell, Druella's eldest was already engaged and the youngest almost out of Hogwarts— yet they remained without a child because of a homophobic law.

Tom wrapped his arms around Harry comfortingly, "You just need to wait a little while longer, love, and then we'll have our little ones."

Tom shook himself out of the memory, they had Alistair now and more would join him as soon as they had control of the Ministry.


In Hogwarts, Headmaster Dumbledore watched the Crouch boy carefully, he saw the article in the Daily Prophet and wondered why he looked like he had always had instead of looking like the couple who adopted him.

Though he didn't pay Barty that much of a thought: he had more important things to worry about.

Like losing the public' favor like he was.

It had been almost thirty years since he had 'defeated' Gellert and he was losing attention.

"Hmmmm," Albus thought to himself, "I would regain popularity if I faced this new threat. And order of some sort against them." He looked at Gellert who was disguised in his animagus form of Fawkes, "The Order of the Phoenix has a nice ring to it."

Little did he know that this fight wouldn't be as easy as he believed and that he just started a war for the third time in his life...

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