Secret Found...

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Narrator's POV

Summer was getting close to its end and Tom and Harry found themselves in Diagon Alley.

As always, their first stop was Gringotts and Silverchain quickly found them.

Within minutes they goblin took them down to their vaults and talked with them about their finances while doing so.

"Lord Slytherin," Silverchain addressed Tom, "your grandfather, Marvolo, passed away last week and your uncle is the new head of the family."

"How disappointing." Tom commented

"But...if your uncle passed away or was imprisoned for one reason or another, you —being the last direct descendant— would be next in line for that title." Silverchain added, smirking

Faking innocence, Tom looked at him, "And it would be a mere coincidence if either of those situations occurred, of course."

"Absolutely." Silverchain agreed as Harry tried to hide his giggles


Within days the two Parselmouths found themselves in school and the school year came in went in a blur with no excitement since Hagrid was avoiding them like the plague, with the exception of being invited to join Professor Slughorn's group called the 'Slug Club'.

On the last day of school, Harry wondered the Hogwarts' halls alone.

Walking boredly around the first floor, his foot got caught on the bottom of his outer-robe causing him to fall face-first onto the stone brick wall.

Feeling blood begin to run down his face, Harry rushed into the nearest restroom —not knowing it was the girl's.

Harry stopped in front of a mirror and turned the knob of the sink —not noticing the carving of a snake on the faucet— but nothing came out.

Angered by that, he hissed, "Stupid faucet."

To the hissed words, the sinks began to spread to reveal a secret passageway.

Harry's eyes widened in shock, had he finally found the illusive entrance to the Chamber of Secrets?

Slowly stepping forward in awe, he made his way to the slide but stopped himself from going down, Tom needed to be here before he went down

After all, Tom is the Slytheirn descendant.

Harry quickly closed the entrance and ran to the Slytherin Fourth Year Boy's Dorm.


Around ten minutes later, he was in the dorm and pulled Tom onto the storage closet in the dorm.

"Tom, you'll never guess what I found." Harry excitedly said

"Hmmm, I'm torn between two ideas." Tom muttered


"You've either found a perfect place for us to be alone or the Chamber of Secrets." Tom explained

Harry blushed, "I found the Chamber."

Tom smirked at Harry's reaction, he knew from the start what his love had found from his happiness, but he couldn't help to tease him.

Attempting to smooth one of Harry's many loose hairs, pressed a soft but quick kiss to Harry's lips, he then followed his boyfriend to the First Floor Girl's Lavatory.

Once their, Tom Harry told him that the entrance was hidden by the sink and the password was anything said in Parseltongue.

"Let's go." Harry smiled, eager to explore the place they had been searching for for several years

Unfortunately having to rain on Harry's parade, Tom stopped him, "We can't, love."

Tears instantly blurred Harry's vision, "What?"

"I want to go down there too, sweetheart, but we can't." Tom elaborated

"Why not?" Harry asked, his voice breaking

Tom saw the tears in Harry's eyes and hated them, his love should never be upset, so he wiped them away and explained his words, "The Goodbye Feast is about to start, my love, and we have to be there and once it's over we have to get on the train." He pressed a kiss to Harry's temple, "But once we return, we'll go down there and look around. Who knows what sort of odd things Salazar left down there?"

He hadn't meant the last sentence as a joke, but Harry laughed and that made him feel better.

If only they had found it a week sooner...

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