Severus and a Horcrux...

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A/N: ^Severus right now, to be honest.

Narrator's POV

Ever since the message had been seen on the wall warning of the Chamber of Secrets, Severus Snape, a triple agent in the war, was ordered by both Dumbledore and Lady Tenebris to protect Ms. Lovegood.

Dumbledore wanted the girl protected because it was no secret that the Lovegood line had produced many seers wile the Dark Lady wanted her safe for obvious reasons.

So after classes Luna had to stay with the Potions Professor until dinner until this mess was fixed.

On this particular day, Luna sat her desk doing her homework while Snape graded the previous essays.

"T for Mr. Weasley for not doing the assignment." Severus mumbled, not finding Ron's paper in the stack

While Severus was deep in thought whist grading papers, Luna walked behind the professor and began to put bow-ties in his hair.

While Severus was deep in thought whist grading papers, Luna walked behind the professor and began to put bow-ties in his hair

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When the snake Marauder noticed what was being done to him, he said, "Ms. Lovegood, can you please remove these atrocities from my hair and leave it alone."

"Okay." Luna mumbled, doing as told, then skipping off to her desk

Around a half-hour later, Professor Snape noticed that the girl had been far too quiet and looked to see what she had been doing.

She made flower vases out of his potion vials.

She made flower vases out of his potion vials

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"Ms. Lovegood, why have you done this?" Snape asked

"The vials had a bad energy around them so I fixed it. Keeps the Wrackspurts tame too. The Nargels told me your favorites are lilies, they're my muma's favorite too. The Nargels say my papa always give my muma lilies instead of roses because lilies symbolize eternal love." Luna smiled, putting a blue tulip into a test tube

Severus didn't know how to respond to that so he didn't tell her anything, thinking that the vials would keep her distracted while he made a potion Albus requested.

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