The Boy-Who-Made-Him-Run...

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Narrator's POV

Getting of the train, Luna took Ron by the hand and they made their way out of the station and Luna pressed her pointer finger to her lips and apparated them both home.

"You can apparate?" Ron asked, amazed

"It's a simple thing to learn." Luna replied, leading Ron inside a manorhouse

"You live here? It's huge, its like two of my houses." Ron muttered, shocked

Luna giggled, "Yeah, and only four of us live here. Seven, if you include animals."

Leading them both down a staircase and into a dark room which Ron guessed was probably a basement or wine-cellar, he was pleasantly surprised when she wrapped her arms around her neck and began to lean in as to kiss him.

Ron, using a bout of Gryffindor confidence, began to lean in as well and was surprised when she slammed his head against the stone wall.

The last thing he heard before losing consciousness was Luna shout, "Papa, he's here!"


When Ron woke up around ten minutes later, he quickly found out that his remaining arm and his ankles were chained to a stone wall -which had been used to knock him out- and that he was still in the dimly lit basement/wine cellar, standing in front of him he saw Luna, "Luna, help me!"

When the Ravenclaw didn't move, the 'Chosen One' asked, "Why won't you help me?"

Looking at her feet and slowly looking up, she replied, "You're the reason my papa was away from my family for years and years."

"I have never killed anyone! I thought you loved me, Luna. Didn't you say I was your knight in shining armor? The apple of your eye?" Ron exclaimed, defending himself, when a realization came forth, "Or just a step to climb?"

"I don't care about you, I just needed you to trust me." Luna answered in a tone that was far too innocent for the words being said

"Are you even really Luna?" Ron asked

"Yes and no." Luna replied, not seeing a problem with telling a dead-man-to-be her secret, "When I was born, I was. But then I got adopted."

"By who?" Ron asked, but the sound of feet coming down the stairs prevented her from answering

Voldemort and Tenebris walked into view.

"Anaelle, angel, go upstairs." Voldemort said, causing the girl to walk towards the staircase

"Okay, papa." Luna-Anaelle replied, her glamour dropping to reveal a green-eyed girl with curly black hair

"Your brother can help you with your homework, baby." Tenebris added, kissing the top of the girl's head

"I'll ask him if I need help, muma." Anaelle replied, as she climbed up the stairs

Once the dungeon door was closed and Anaelle had walked far enough away, Voldemort pulled a dagger out of his suit-jacket pocket and dragged the blade down Ron's face.

As it pulled against the Weasel's pale skin, it left a clean cut that dripped blood down the "Chosen One's" face, chin, and neck.

Tom, noting how the boy flinched, decided to torment him a bit, so he asked coldly, only the slightest tint of amusement in his voice, "Do you really think you made me flee, boy?"

Ron scowled, he was conflicted: his Gryffindor nature was screaming at him to spit in the Dark Lord's face and scream, 'Hell yes!', but it was completely deafening compared to the small whisper of self-preservation his mind provided him with.

So, he did just that.

"Hell yes!" He shouted and spit right in Voldemort's face, causing Lady Tenebris gave a horrified gasp, and Ron could just feel his anger coming off in waves

Voldemort wiped the spit off his face with his jacket sleeve in one swift, vicious movement, then he plunged the knife he had been holding into Ron's side without removing it —to somewhat stop the blood flow, he didn't want the Golden Boy dying just yet.

Ronald screamed and crumpled over, holding his side.

Voldemort's smirk grew all the larger and Tenebris gave a sharp, "Ha!"

Once again, Ron's Gryffindor impulses won out over his rational thinking and he spat through gritted teeth, "Is that all you got, you bastard? Not gonna crucio me, or maybe you're going to send your whore to do it for you, eh mate?"

Lady Tenebris looked deadly and fierce, Voldemort saw red, thinking, "How dare that red-headed hoodlum insult my darling?!"

For the first time, Lady Tenebris spoke, and what he said could have made Merlin himself quiver in fear, "All we've got? Oh no, Mr. Weasley." He giggled in a way Ron would have found beautiful, seductive and graceful all at once if having been in any other situation, "We've got so much to do, so much to use against you. By the time we're done, you'll be wishing for such small things as stab wounds.

Ron's blood ran cold as he realized just exactly what type of situation he was in: his rational side finally getting through to him, he realized, 'This is it. This is how I die."

"No! Please! Please, I'll do anything! I don't want to die!" Ron cried, making Tenebris scoff and Voldemort laugh —actually laugh, in a cold, uncaring way that made Ron shiver

"What happened to that spite, Weasel? This will be so much more fun if we have you squirming. Well, for us, that is." Lord Voldemort asked, his tone amused with poison laced in

"I don't want to die! Please!" Ron tried again, ignoring the Dark Lord's previous statement, "I'll become a Death Eater, I'll become your slave! But please, I want to live!"

"You really think we would let you into our ranks, Golden Boy? Ha! Don't make me laugh. You're not worthy." The Dark Lady spat back and giggled as his husband grabbed and kissed his hand

"I believe my love is quite right." Voldemort agreed, pulling out his wand then casting, "Crucio!"

Ron withered in pain and accidentally pushed the knife deeper into him in the process.

"Your screams are too shrill. Like a girls. Why don't we get rid of that? Secare!" Voldemort cast

Ron could feel his vocal cords be torn and bleed, he tried to cry out but only choked on his own blood, instead.

"You know, Tom, this brings back memories. Do to remember when we tore that giant oaf's tongue straight out of his mouth?" Tenebris said amusingly, as is recalling a holiday but actually remembering killing Hagrid in Azkaban after they became allies with the Dementors

"Of course I do, my love. One of my best memories." The Dark Lord replied

Voldemort then, finally, took the knife out, making Ron gasp in pain and lean against the wall, looking around the room viciously, as if trying to distract himself.

"You know, Tom, I think he could do without those ugly, gutterwater blue eyes." Harry said and with one swift hand movement, Ron's eyes we're torn and lying on the floor in front of where he was standing

"Or that dreadful red hair." Voldemort added and Ron could feel his scalp burning, almost unbearably

Everything was silent for a moment until the burning became more intense and Ron gave a choked cry.

"How the hell are you still alive, Weasel?!" Voldemort yelled in slight frustration.

Ron had the audacity to smirk, which went under the radar with Voldemort, but did not go unnoticed by Tenebris.

"You dare be sly, even now, boy? You dare smirk when you are dying at our will?! Avada Kedavra!" Lady Tenebris cast, furious

And just like that, The-Boy-Who-Made-Him-Run's world went black...

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