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Narrator's POV

Getting on the Hogwarts Express to start her fifth year, Luna walked through the train looking for a specific compartment that held three certain Gryffindors.

Finding it, she opened the door, "Can I sit here?"

"Don't you have friends you can sit with?" Dean Thomas asked

"Yes, but I see no problem with making some more." Luna smiled, closing the door and sitting next to Ron -whose family just returned from a holiday in Egypt

"Dean, I think she won't be a problem." Ron told his friend, placing his remaining arm around Luna's shoulders


"Boy-Who-Made-Him-Run Disabled

Ronald Weasley, a Fifth Year Gryffindor at Hogwarts, was a participant in the Tri-Wizard Tournament in his fourth year.

As tradition states, there are only supposed to be three champions from the three European Wizarding Schools  -Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang- and the names drawn belonged to Fleur Delacour for Beauxbatons, Viktor Krum for Durmstrang and Cedric Diggory for Hogwarts.

But a fourth name was drawn, Ron Weasley's name.

The first two tasks were won by Ms. Delacour and Mr. Krum, respectively, with Mr. Weasley placing last every time.

During the Third Task seemed to be won by Mr. Weasley, who got to the Tri-Wizard Cup first, but the cup turned out to be a portkey and it took Ron to an unknown location that seemed to be a graveyard.

While in the graveyard, his right arm was cut off by the Dark Lady and used in a unknown potion, but it is assumed to be for a nefarious purpose.

Following losing his arm, the Dark Lord challenged him to a duel, but Ronald managed to get back to the portkey and was brought back to Hogwarts and immediately taken to the school's healer.

And, as we all know, magic can heal injuries, regrow bones, but it cannot regrow entire limbs, so Ron has no right arm and has chosen not to get a prosthetic.

If Ronald can't save himself, can he really save us?

Rita Skeeter, Special Correspondent to the Daily Prophet."  


Albus Dumbledore looked through his student records from the entire time he had been headmaster, but there was not a single person with the last name of 'Riddle'.

"Those little bitches probably used fake names." Albus muttered, throwing the scroll down

"Obviously, dear, they knew you'd put pieces together if they used their real names." Gellert replied, looking through old Daily Prophet's to look for any mention of them

"I know, I know. That General character we've seen and read about in the paper is most likely this Alistair boy, but he could be any of these names." Dumbledore replied

"We also need to keep the chance they sent their children to Beauxbatons or Durmstrang, hell, even Ilvermornyor any other of the other seven schools just to keep them from you." Gellert reminded

"I know, Gellert." Albus replied, becoming angry, "Tom and Harry hid them well."

"Indeed." Gellert agreed


But the school year seemed to be extremely short and Ron and Luna became close friends, she even invited him to come visit her at home during the summer...

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