Ignatius and Randolph...

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Narrator's POV

Weeks passed and soon enough September 1, 1939 came around.

That morning Tom and Harry made their way to Platform Nine and Three Quarters and onto the Hogwarts Express.

Within minutes the couple was sitting comfortably in their usual compartment and were soon joined by the Knights of Walpurgis.

Once all the students were on board, the train began its journey to the school.

During the ride, the Honeyduke's Trolley Lady came by to sell Harry and the Knights a couple a treats —Tom didn't care for sweets— and the group talked while enjoying their candy.

Halfway into the ride, the door to their compartment opened unexpectedly, revealing a crying male Hufflepuff with bright red hair and brown eyes walked in, sniffling and wiping his eyes, "Can I stay in here?"

"Why are you crying?" Abraxes asked

"My brother, Randolph, has convinced the entire house to make fun of me." The Hufflepuff replied

"Your brother?" Harry asked, "Then you're Ignatius, right?"

"Y-Yes." Ignatius replied, wiping his eyes again

Tom smirked at the confirmation that this boy was Ignatius Prewett, after all didn't the saying say: fortune favors the bold.


Hours later, the Knights had gotten to know the small Hufflepuff, learning that Ignatius had a secret love for the Dark Arts.

Both Tom and Harry thought that the coincidence was merely too perfect and decided to take full advantage of it.

"You know, Ignatius," Tom began, "you can get resorted."

"Re...sorted?" Ignatius asked, confused

"Headmistress Heliotrope Wilkins established it in 1390 when a girl was sorted into Gryffindor and was unhappy with it all so she requested to be resorted and she was moved into Ravenclaw." Tom explained

"And the Slytherin House look after their own." Harry continued, "And your brother wouldn't be able to get to you —in school, at least."

"True. I'll think about it, for sure." Ignatius muttered, going into thought


Once at school, Ogg led the students in, Ignatius approached Headmaster Dipper, and the First Years were quickly sorted.

Once the last First Year sat at their new table, Headmaster Dippet stood up, "Dear students and faculty of Hogwarts, tonight I was approached by a young student who informed me that his stay with his house has not been pleasant and wishes to be moved. So, for the first time in two hundred years, we will have a resorting. Will Mister Ignatius Prewett please stand?"

Ignatius shyly stood up from the Hufflepuff table and embarrassedly made his way to the stool, Professor Dumbledore set the Sorting Hat on his head, and it was silent for several seconds before shouting, "Slytherin!"

Smiling brightly, Ignatius sat at his new table with the others.


The next morning, still beaming with joy, Ignatius —who had joined the Knights of Walpurgis last night after dinner— sat at the Slytherin Table for breakfast with the other Knights.

After eating and reading the daily edition to the Daily Prophet, he sat patiently for the feast to end and to head to his new first class with the other Slytherins.

As the group made their way to Potions with Gryffindor, their path was blocked by Randolph Prewett, Ignatius' twin and bully.

"Traitor." Randolph sneered, shoving his brother in the chest

"Leave me alone." Ignatius said, his new confidence assisting him

"No, you're not my mother, you're just a crybaby." Randolph taunted

Before the argument could continue, Professor Slughorn stepped into the hallway, "Mr. Prewett, leave your brother alone, your giving your house a bad name. Fifty points from Hufflepuff."

"But-" Randolph muttered, getting interrupted

"Butts are for sitting, get to class before I take more points." Slughorn threatened, making Randolph go away


Two days later on Sunday, there was no classes, but there was a very interesting article in the newspaper.

"Could Muggle War Be Threat to Wizarding World?

This morning, Muggle Great Britain led by Muggle Minister Winston Churchill has waged war on Muggle Germany since the Nazis (a new German Muggle Political Party) led by Muggle 'Führer' Adolf Hitler invaded Muggle Poland.

The Polish and German Ministries of Magic claim to have no desire to be involved in this war, but that claim might not last long if they're threatened.

Minister Spencer-Moon says that Magical England will not get involved in this war unless we are attacked, claiming that hunting Dark Lord Gellert Grindlewald is more important.

Muggle-Borns and Muggle-Living Witches and Wizards are advised to make no involvement.

But nothing is currently known on Grindlewald or the Hallows' whereabouts.

We will keep you updated as we know.

Maria Skeeter, Special Correspond to the Daily Prophet."


The Great Hall was silent.

This rendered everyone into silence...

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