Bartemius Crouch Jr...

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Narrator's POV

Barty Crouch Jr. carefully made his way through England at night, careful not to hit his broken left arm on anything.

On this chilly winter's night in 1974, the Second Year Ravenclaw was on the Yule Break, but had been kicked out of his family's home by a drunk Bartemius Crouch Senior.

Several hours and several cities later, he got to tired to continue, Barty sat down in front of an iron gate of a large manor house in a town he did not recognize.

He pulled his knees to his chest and hid his head between his his knees to best conserve his body heat as it began to snow, but unfortunately, his father hadn't given him much time to put something warm on before pushing him out the door —all he had to protect him from the bitter cold was a outer-robe and his Ravenclaw scarf along with his Holly-Head Harpies Pajamas and his ratty sneakers.


Lord Voldemort and Lady Tenebris apparated back into their base once the raid to the Ministry was over, luckily no one was injured so they were alone for the evening.

Tom read a book by the fireplace and Harry stared out of the window into the snow.

They continued like that for several minutes before Harry gasped and rushed outside and Tom followed to see what was wrong.

Harry opened the iron gates as much as he could with his weak-arm strength and began to drag a child that was covered in snow inside the house and Tom quickly helped by picking the child up.

They quickly apparated the child into a guest room and Harry quickly cast the Diagnostic Charm.

"Name: Bartemius Damien Crouch Jr. ~ Age: 12

• Broken left arm

Beginnings of Malnourishment

Mild Hypothermia

Frostnip on fingers."

Harry was shocked but quickly began to heal the boy.

Harry treated the hypothermia and frostnip first by undressing the boy and removing the wet clothing, covered the boy in the warm blanket, and blowed warm air onto the boy's hands.

He then summoned a bucket of warm water and dipped the unconscious boy's hands into it.

While the boy's hands soaked in the warm water, Harry cast "Ennervate" to awaken the boy.

Once Barty was awake, he summoned a warm Butterbeer and pressed it to the boy's lips, making him drink it to give him the calories that needed replacing.

Once he effectively treated the life threatening things, Harry stepped away to let the boy sleep, not knowing how to treat the broken limb and would be treating the malnutrition in the morning.

Yawning, Harry looked at Tom, "We need to summon Druella here in the morning to heal his arm, but after that he should be back to full health."

"What is the little Crouch doing so far away from home?" Tom wondered

"I don't know, I'll ask him tomorrow." Harry muttered

He and Tom then went back to their room to sleep.


First thing in the morning, they summoned Druella Black née Rosier and she healed the broken limb as well as she could, carefully putting a cast on the sleeping boy.

Once Druella left, Barty woke up and quickly a house-elf showed up with a simple breakfast of eggs, toast, hash browns, and hot coca.

Barty happily ate his first meal since the three days he had left Hogwarts for the break.

Once his plate was empty, the house-elf came back in with another full plate.

Barty looked at the second plate in shock, "Thank you."

"It's no bother, Master Harry wants you to eat until full." The elf said

So two more filled plates and three mugs of hot coca later, Barty was full.

Once the elf cleared away the mess, a short, feminine male with black hair and green eyes entered the room, "How are you feeling, Barty?"

"Excellent, thank you." Barty thanked

"Why we're you out in the snow, so far from home?" Harry asked

"My dad kicked me out." Barty replied

"Why?" Harry asked, concerned

"He was drunk." Barty replied

"Is he drunk often?"


"How often?"

"Everyday after work."

"Has he ever hit you?"


"Where's your mum in all of this?"

"She's dead. She died of dragon-pox a year ago."

Harry hugged the boy, "You poor thing. Call Missy if you need anything."

"I will." Barty replied as Harry stood up and walked out


In his office, Tom read paperwork.

"Hey, Tom." Harry said, opening the door

"Yes, love." Tom asked

"Barty has been abused by his father." Harry sadly said

"Do-gooder Bartemius Crouch abuses his son." Tom mused, "That would start quite a scandal if the public found out."

"We should blood-adopt him." Harry muttered, "He doesn't have anywhere else to go. And his core is powerful which would make him a good addition to the family."

"Family. That's what Harry is trying to get, but he's trying to use legitimate reasons to get me to agree." Tom thought to himself, saddened at the thought that his love felt the need to have legitimate reasons

"I agree, love." Tom said, making Harry smile, "Lets go talk to him."

"We'll have to write to the Ministry to legally gain custody of him." Harry smiled

"We'll take his father to court." Tom agreed, following Harry to Barty's room


After explaining who they were to Barty for several hours, Barty happily agreed to be adopted and have his biological father imprisoned.

All would be good...

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