Hogsmeade and a Duel...

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Narrator's POV

September 1, 1941 came by quickly and Tom and Harry found themselves sitting in their compartment in Platform 9 3/4.

Feeling tired since he stayed up late reading the night before, Harry decided to take a nap.

A while later, the Knights of Walpurgis opened the compartment doors and saw Harry sleeping with his head on Tom's lap with the wake boy stroking his hair.

To say that they were shocked would be mild: not the fact that those two were dating but the fact that Tom seemed to be gentle with Harry when they were alone.

Ignatius and Abraxes unkowmling,y simultaneously smirked: they had guessed it, but didn't say anything.

Tom was slightly mad: he didn't want anyone to know about their relationship, but it seemed to be nothing to do about that now.


Within the next week, Harry and Tom enjoyed Ancient Runes and Arithmancy and by the weeks end the Third Years would be having their first Hogsmeade visit.

Hargid glared at the couple as they passed him to walk to the village with the others in their year.

Tom and Harry explored the village and looked around mist of the shops.

In Honeydukes, Harry bought several boxes of candies which were: sugared butterfly wings, treacle fudge, and cauldron cakes.

After three hours, the group of Third Years returned to the school and Hagrid approached Tom.

"Du'l me." Hagrid angrily said, looking into Tom's icy eyes

Tom smirked, "Where and when?"

"B'hin' Ogg's H't t'm'rr'ow night at m'dnight." Hagrid answered, "Sep'im's wil' be me sec'nd."

"Harry'll be mine." Tom replied, not even slightly worried


Opening a book about wizarding etiquette, Harry found the page about duels:

"The Ten Duel Commandments:

Number One: Demand satisfaction. If they apologize, no need for further action.

Number Two: If they don't, grab a friend, that's your second. They're your lieutenant when there's reckoning to be reckoned.

Number Three: Have your seconds meet face to face to negotiate a peace or negotiate a time and place. This is commonplace, especially between rival nobles. Most disputes die, and no one shoots.

Number Four: If they don't reach a peace, that's alright. Time to get some wands and a healer on site. You pay him in advance, you treat him with civility and you have him turn around so he can have deniability.

Number Five: Duel before or after the sun is in the sky. Pick a place to die where it's high and dry.

Number Six: Leave a note for your next of kin to tell them where you been. Pray that hell or heaven lets you in.

Number Seven: Confess your sins. Ready for the moment of adrenaline when you finally face your opponent.

Number Eight: Your last chance to negotiate. Send in your seconds, see if they can set the record straight.

Number Nine: Look them in the eye, aim no higher. Summon all the courage you require.

Number Ten: Fire!"

"So you can either kill him or wound him." Harry noted

"Killing would draw suspicion. Especially since we shouldn't know anything about how to kill someone." Tom shut down

"Either way, there is no way Hagrid could beat you. He's just bitter that he can't go to Hogsmeade or play Qudditch." Harry reminded

"He dared to hurt you, he deserved worse for simply touching you." Tom venomously said, "Maybe I should kill him, love, repercussions be damned."

"Don't, Tom, you bring unwanted attention. You can kill him after we graduate and suspicion goes away from us." Harry wickedly smiled

To that, Tom softly kissed Harry: he love was so perfect.


At midnight the next night, Tom and Harry snuck out of the Slytherin Dorm under Harry's Invisibility Cloak and made their way to Ogg's Hut.

Before they made it to where Hagrid was waiting with Septimus Weasley, they hid the cloak under a bush next to the hut and then walked to where the Gryffindors were waiting.

"Slimy snakes actually showed up." Septimus whispered to Hagrid, but his words were heard by all present

Hagrid quickly pulled out his wand and began to cast, "Expelliarmus" but Tom was fasted at casting, "Conjunctivitis."

Now temporarily blinded, Hargid attempted to shoot the spell again at Tom but missed by a long shot.

Quickly casting "Petrificus Totalus" on both Hagrid and Septimus, Tom smirked cruelly at them both, "I'd love to continue buts it's late and we have classes tomorrow."

And then Tom left with Harry, leaving two stunned Gryffindors behind...

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