According to Plan...

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Narrator's POV

Inside of the headmaster's office at Hogwarts, the headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, read the newest Daily Prophet —the Phoenix reading from over his shoulder— and smirked: everything had worked according to plan.

He knew Severus was listening in at Sybil Trawlaney's interview like the loyal little Death Eater he was, so knowing that Snape would report back to the Dark Nobles, so he imperiused the 'seer' to tell a prophecy that he and Gellert had created for the purpose of killing either Voldemort or Tenebris.

But neither had been killed as they both had been seen the day after, but Ronald Weasley, his 'Chosen One', still was thought to have been powerful enough to scare Voldemort off.

But of course, no one by himself and Gellert would know the truth.

The famous twinkle in his eye appeared: the war would be over soon and those meddling Dark Nobles would be dead.


Slithering around a forest that night, was a green serpent moving as quickly as possible.

Why? It was trying to find a human to posses of course.

For you see, this snake wasn't in control of its own body, a wizard was possessing it.

And not just any wizard, it was being possessed by Tom Marvolo Riddle.

Thanks to his horcruxes —the diary, the Gaunt Ring, the Ravenclaw Diadem, the Slytherin Locket, and the Hufflepuff Cup— he survived the rebounding Killing Curse and had been separated from his body.

He longed to return to his family but couldn't because he noticed a pattern as he was possessing animals: within twenty-four hours the thing he posed would die and he would be forced into the closest living thing.

If he returned to his husband and their children, he feared that he might possess one of them on accident and end up killing them since nothing he possessed lived afterwards.


Back at Riddle Manor, over the next few months Harry would be spending a lot of time with his children and his now closest friend, Azazel Delacroix.

Luckily, Azazel hadn't flirted with him once since before Tom's death and he and the Vampire King became close friends.

While in Tom's former office doing paperwork, Harry heard a soft melody play throughout the manor.

Standing up, Harry went to see what was causing the tune.

At first, he checked Alistair's bedroom to see if his son had forgotten to turn the radio off before going to Knockturn Alley to get something, but once he peeked into the room he saw the radio was turned off.

Confused, he followed the melody down the hallways of the manor and it led him to a music room that neither he nor Tom had ever used.

In the center of the room was a grand piano and at the seat he saw his nearly two year old daughter sitting on it also on top of several cushions

The toddler was frantically pressing the keys and the beautiful music was coming from her composition.

But at the doorway, Harry was confused: how had she gotten here, after all he had put her down for a nap barely and hour earlier.

"Anaelle, baby," Harry called out, walking towards the piano, "how did you get in here?"

"The Wrackspurts helped me out, muma." Anaelle answered, still playing

"And how are you playing the piano, sweetheart." Harry asked

"The Nargels are telling me what to press, muma." Anaelle replied, "They're so pretty, muma, aren't they?"

Harry looked around for any other living thing in the room, including Nagini —who was out hunting like always—, but only found the two of them.

"Honey, I don't see anything." Harry told her, worried about her state of mind, he has heard that a death of a parent your close to can leave scars that don't heal and hurt the mind

But he then remembered that children have imaginary friends if they are lonely, but there was something off about this, so he picked the infant up, "Baby, do you like ice cream?"

Anaelle clapped he hands, "Yes! Ice cream yummy, muma!"

"Well, were going to go see someone at Diagon Alley real quick and then I'll get you a treat."

"Okie-Dokey!" The toddler giggled, excited for her treat

Harry then apparated them both to a mind healer, and unlike those at St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries who healed injuries caused by magic, this healer —unlike Narcissa Malfoy who had replaced her mother as the Death Eaters private healer— specialized in helping the mind.

Quickly casting a notice-me-not charm on himself, he walked down the busy alley and into the healer's office.

An elderly woman, clearly dressed as a healer, greeted him, "Hello, what seems to be the matter, dear?"

"My daughter claims to see little creatures —Nargels and Wrackspurts, she called them— and escaped her crib and was playing the piano. Normally, I'd brush this off as childhood imagination and accidental magic, but she's almost two and not due for accidental magic to start for three more years." Harry answered

"Has any tragedy happened anytime in the immediate past that could have caused trauma." The Healer asked

Tears fuzzed the corners of Harry's eyes, "Her father passed away earlier this year."

The Healer nodded sympathetically, many had died in this war, "That would cause lasting trauma. Put her down on the table and I'll see if I can notice anything else."

Within a few minutes, the Healer came to a conclusion, "This is a rare thing indeed."

"What is?" Harry asked

"The trauma doesn't seem to be the problem." The Healer answered

"Than what is?" Harry asked, worry rising

"There is no problem: she is a magic-blessed." The Healer replied

Harry quietly gasped: magic-blessed people were rare, only one person every century was one; the person could see things no other witch or wizard would ever be able to; they could see into the past or the future on occasion; and they were talented individuals.

But it came with a cost: the magic-blessed person would sometimes seem to zone out from existence and into a world of there own and it took a few minutes to get back into reality.

Harry muttered, "Then the Nargels and Wrackspurts would be-"

"-messengers of magic." The Healer finished for him

Harry smiled, picking Anaelle back up, "Aren't you just a special little angel, aren't you, baby?"

Anaelle only giggled in response as her mummy kissed her chubby cheeks...

Together, Or Not At All: a Harry X Voldemort|TomWhere stories live. Discover now