Alliances and the Squib Marches...

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Narrator's POV

While Alistair was semi-safely at Hogwarts, Lord Voldemort and Lady Tenebris were busy finalizing alliances with the Greyback Werewolf Pack and the Giants.


Lord Voldemort and Lady Tenebris sat in the Inner Circle Meeting Room they waited for their guests to arrive.

The first to arrive was King Azazel Delacroix to represent the English Vampires.

Next to arrive was Alpha Fenrir Greyback —who was a tall man with messy black hair, piercing blue eyes, a black beard, and wore a open black robe that revealed several scars on his muscular chest— who controlled the Greyback Werewolf Pack.

Next to arrive was Alpha Fenrir Greyback —who was a tall man with messy black hair, piercing blue eyes, a black beard, and wore a open black robe that revealed several scars on his muscular chest— who controlled the Greyback Werewolf Pack

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And last to arrive was the Queen Veela named Rosalina Monaterri —who was a beautiful woman with curly blonde hair, startling blue eyes, and wearing a black gown.

The five magical beings sat at the long table and before long Missy the house-elf quickly served tea —with a few drops of blood for Azazel instead of sugar and Wolfsbane in Fenrir's— and they four individual parties began their meeting

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The five magical beings sat at the long table and before long Missy the house-elf quickly served tea —with a few drops of blood for Azazel instead of sugar and Wolfsbane in Fenrir's— and they four individual parties began their meeting.


After the meeting was technically over three hours later, Queen Rosalina continued to drink her tea alone, Alpha Fenrir spoke with Lord Voldemort privately, but King Azazel approached Harry.

"Vy velieve that vou grow more beautivul vevery vime vy see vou." Azazel complimented

"I appreciate the compliment, your majesty, but I made myself clear that I gave no intention of being your Queen, I am very happy in my relationship." Harry reminded

"Vy know, vand vy vish vou the vest of vuck." Azazel sadly said, "Vut if vou tire of this Vark Vord of vours, vome to ve vand we vill have vhildren by the vozen!"

"Thank you for the offer but it will never be used, your majesty." Harry thanked, a flicker of sadness in eyes eyes as Azazel apparated away

In a quick attempt to cheer himself up, Harry sat down next to Queen Rosalina and drank his tea.

"I know the feeling, my Lady." Queen Rosalina sympathized

"What feeling, your majesty?" Lady Tenebris asked

"The sadness in your eyes is that of a mother." Queen Rosalina explained, placing her hand comfortingly on Harry's arm, "No mother is ready for their little one to leave the safety of the nest. I remember when my eldest started Durmstrang —since Hogwarts forbids creatures— and I almost didn't let her go out of fear of losing her. Every mother feels it, my Lady."

"You are correct, Queen Rosalina, my little one is at school and I can't story worrying he will be hurt." Harry sadly said

"Call me Rosie in non-formal settings, please. Let's just talk mother to mother." Rosie smiled

"And call me Harry in the same setting." Harry smiled


And so, the Dark Nobles were now in secure alliances with King Azazel and his Vampires, Alpha Fenrir Greyback and his pack, and Queen Rosalina and her Veelas.


While Tom and Harry were busy with the creatures, outside the front doors of the main Ministry of Magic building, there were dozens of people shouting and picket signs.

Upon further investigation, one could see that the signs read things along the lines of, "Rights for Squibs!", "We're Wizards too!", and "Blood 'Purity' did this to us!"

The Squibs blocked the entrance thus preventing many people from entering work and angering them while they peacefully protested.

After awhile, annoyed workers entered through other entrances and left the Squibs to riot unnoticed.

A few hours of chanting and protesting later, the Squibs began to take a break for lunch when a mob of angry blood purists swarmed in and began to attack the Squibs.

Aurours quickly arrived to the scene and chased the purists off but not before some of the Squibs were dead and most were injured.

The injured were rushed to Saint Mungos and the dead were returned to their families.


"Squibs Attacked: Protesting Gone Wrong.

Yesterday, a group of seventy-eight Squibs were protesting peacefully outside the main entrance of the Ministry Building trying to get support for their cause: rights for Squibs.

Around noon, the protesters were attacked by a group of about thirty Blood Purists.

Aurours quickly stopped further fighting but not before three Squibs were killed and fifty-one injured.

The families of the deceased have been compensated for the losses and those injured have been said to be back to full health by the end of the week.

Minister Eugenia Jenkins says, "This event was a tragedy for all these involved and my heart reaches out for all those harmed. Blood Purity is a disease that needs to be stomped out."

Maria Skeeter, Special Correspondent to the Daily Prophet."


When Wizard England read the newest article, many were shocked at the riot of the seemingly untouchable Purist Purebloods and while many disagreed with the Squibs' cause, they agreed that Purity needed to go...

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