Lord Voldemort 2.0...

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Narrator's POV

After Harry finally left Tom's body, his body was empty of tears.

Almost robotically, he stood up and went to the crying baby, leaving Alistair momentarily with his father's corpse.

While his mum was gone, a thought came to Alistair, "Papa and I are almost identical except he's a little taller than me and his eyes are red and mine are green. But...a glamour could easily change my appearance to look exactly like papa since I already look like him."

Alistair knew Lord Voldemort had to be immortal even though papa was dead and he knew mum couldn't run the Dark alone, so the twenty-year old made up his mind.

He was going to Lord Voldemort for as long as he needed to be.

An hour later, while Harry was rocking Anaelle and Alistair was making preparations, Tom's body disintegrated, leaving only his yew wand and a silver wedding ring in its place.

When Harry found the ring and wand, he picked both objects up and locked the wand in a chest wit the purpose of locking it in the Slytherin Vault for safe-keeping and for the ring he placed it onto a thin silver chain and wore it around his neck and put the Slytherin Locket away into the Slytherin Vault where they had found the empty place all those years ago.


When Alistair told his mother what he had planned, Harry didn't like it but agreed over what had to be done.

So, that night there was a meeting where a raid was planned with the vampires and would be done the next night.

King Azazel walked towards Lady Tenebris as soon as the meeting ended.

Noticing the vampire walking towards him, Harry sighed, "Azazel, I really would appreciate it if you didn't flirt with me right now."

"Vy vusn't vunna flirt. Vy vus going vo say 'Vy am vorry vor vour loss'." Azazel informed, surprising the Dark Noble

"What loss?" Harry lied

"Vy sister vost ver husband to vampire vunters two centuries agvo. She vad vhat same vook." Azazel explained, then gesturing to Alistair, "Vand vhat is not vour husband, ve voesn't vave vhe same scent."


"The Boy-Who-Made-Him-Run

Two days ago, on Halloween/Samhain, the Dark Lord visited the Tonks home with one thought on his mind: to kill Ronald Weasley, the youngest son of Molly and Arthur Weasley.

Why is unknown, but we know that he did and when he arrived to the home, he ignored the sleeping Andromeda and Ted Tonks as well as the six children assembled for the sleepover but when straight to the nursery where Ron was sleeping.

When he entered the nursery, the Dark Lord sensed the infant's powerful magic and fled, but not before leaving the infant with a lightning-bolt shaped scar.

Last night, both Dark Nobles were spotted on a raid at the Muggle-Relations Ministry Building where 5 employees were killed.

Rita Skeeter, Special Correspondent to the Daily Prophet."...

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