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Narrator's POV

Back in the present, June, July, and most of August came and went at the Orphanage when the Second Year letters arrived for Tom and Harry.


• 'The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 2' by Miranda Goshawk
Second Year Potions Kit
•New robes (if needed)

Albus Dumbledore,

Deputy Headmaster."


Making their way into Diagon Alley through the Leaky Cauldron entrance, Harry and Tom made their way into Gringotts.

They were quickly found by Silverchain, their surprisingly-shared accounts manager.

"Lord Potter, Lord Slytherin," Silverchain greeted, "How can I be of service today?"

"We just need to refill our coin pouches." Harry answered

"I assume you both have your Vault Keys?" Silverchain asked

"We do." Harry replied

"Then follow me." Silverchain smiled, leading them into the Vault Railway

First stopping at the Slytherin Vault, 225, Tom grabbed plenty of pocket change, as did Harry in the Potter Vault, 687.

"Is there anything else you needed?" Silverchain asked

"I would like to see the Gaunt Vault, please." Tom answered

"Okay, but there isn't much to see." Silverchain sighed, setting the cart up to go to Vault 546

The cart went backwards to Vault 546, and it was a large Vault, one worthy of one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, but once Silverchain opened it, the large room was completely empty —save the small pile of coins in the center.

"This is pathetic." Tom sneered

"I tried to tell you, Lord Slytherin, but your grandfather and several generations before him has been spending money and the last of the vault's money and artifacts were sold to repay a debt."

"A debt to who?" Tom asked, curious and infuriated

"The Prewett Family." Silverchain replied

"Why did Marvolo owe this debt?" Tom asked

"He bribed Lord Prewett to convince the Ministry to release him and your uncle, Morfin, from Azkaban early." Silverchain replied

"Why were they in Azkaban?" Tom asked

"Attacking Muggles." Silverchain replied

"And who is Lord Prewett?" Tom asked, connecting some dots in his mind

"The head of the Aurors Department." Silverchain replied, smirking

Harry looked into Silverchain's eyes, "Goblins are bound to secrecy for the families the manage, correct?"

"Anything you do not want told will be kept secret." Silverchain informed

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