The Hufflepuff Test...

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Narrator's POV

Two months later, the first few Qudditch Games were played —and Tom watched all the Slytherin Matches for Harry's sake— and Headmaster Dippet announced the next test would be held in a maze he had had Ogg grow during the Summer.

The remaining 56 Champions made their way to the maze as the night fell and Headmaster Dippet spoke, "Remaining Champions, this maze is filled with traps and creatures to test your navigation skills, whatever team to finish first in your years will win the challenge and continue. The Seventh Years will go first."

The remaining Seventh Years —Gryffindor and Slytherin— made their way into the maze, trying to out-navigate the other team by using the traps to their advantage and after an hour, Slytherin triumphed over Gryffindor.

The Sixth Years repeated the process with their champions —Hufflepuff and Slytherin— but Hufflepuff defeated Slytherin by finding the exit faster.

For Fifth Year, Gryffindor and Slytherin competed against each over once more, but Gryffindor won.

In Fourth Year, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw were against each other for the first time and Hufflepuff beat Ravenclaw by a nose.

The Third Year Gryffindor and Slytherin Champions fought against each other for the final time, resulting in Slytherin's victory.

The four Second Year Slytherins looked back to where their house was celebrating their second win over Gryffindor.

If everything went to plan, Hufflepuff would not defeat Slytherin again.

Right before Headmaster Dippet signaled for the race to begin, Ignatius glanced at his twin, who was scowling at him.

Ignatius then looked to his leader, Tom, whose facial expression was clearly covered in boredom: how Riddle could be bored in this situation was beyond him.

Headmaster Dippet then cast Lumos to signal the race's start and the champions ran into the maze.

Randolph targeted Ignatius immediately, trying to hex his brother into defeat, but all of his spells missed since his aim while running was horrible.

While the battle between brothers occurred, Abraxes fired the Severing Hex towards Augusta Greengrass thus creating a scar on her cheek that would be there for the rest of her life.

While Ignatius and Abraxes were busy with Randolph and Augusta, Tom and Harry fought against Ella Nightly and Alex Clyde.

Alex aimed his wand towards Tom, "PETRIFICUS TOT-"

But before he could finish, Tom fired the same spell at him, causing him to be frozen in his place.

Ella's blonde hair whipped harshly into his face in the wind, cursing herself for not putting her hair up, she fumbled around the corridors of the maze, looking for Potter.

Careful to hear him, Ella heard a soft giggle coming from her left, she fired her wand in that direction, but the giggling continued.

Hurrying, she grabbed her hair out of her face and looked to her left and then her right, Potter was no where to be found.

"Trollshit." Ella muttered under her breath, continuing her way through the maze

She spent the next few minutes in silence as she walked through the maze, when suddenly, she heard giggles again.

Slightly afraid, she turned around to see one Harry Potter.

"Petrificus Totalus." Harry giggled, his green eyes practically glowing in wicked delight as she froze in her spot

Harry then caught up with the other three Slytherin Champions and exited the maze, winning Slytherin their third victory.

Finally, Gryffindor and Ravenclaw's First Year Champions competed against each other and Ravenclaw beat Gryffindor by a landslide.


Once unfrozen, the Former Hufflepuff Champion, Ella Nightly looked at herself in her Dorm Room's mirror.

She could still see Potter lurking in the darkness with his green eyes glowing like the Killing Curse she had heard stories of every time she blinked.

Once asleep, she had nightmares of those beautiful, yet terrifying Killing Curse eyes.


Once in the Slytherin Common Room, the Slytherins celebrated their three-out-of-four victories.

Once again, alcohol was brought out to celebrate with, and Tom grabbed a glass of firewhiskey and Harry grabbed a bottle of Butterbeer.

Instead of a conga line, the drunken Slytherins played Spin the Bottle with an empty bottle of Butterbeer while Tom and Harry watched from the sidelines.

Almost everyone laughed when a tiny First Year boy landed on a Seventh Year girl, who mercifully kissed the First Year's cheek.

Eventually getting tired, Tom dragged the zoned out Harry back into their dorm room.

He carefully undressed the now blushing Harry and helped change his half-asleep love into pajamas.

Once Harry was nestled into his bed, Tom changed into his sleepwear and went into his own bed to sleep.

Right before he fell asleep, Tom heard Harry exhaustedly whisper, "I love you, Tom."

Smiling slightly, Tom closed his eyes and replied, "I love too, Harry."

And so, they fell asleep as the sun rose to canceled classes...

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