Blood Stains...

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Narrator's POV

Third Year, besides the rivalry with Hagrid, turned out to be pretty boring and soon enough Tom and Harry returned to Wool's Orphanage.

Once off the train, they walked to the orphanage and put their trunks away in their room.

Staying in said room, they simply read their Dark Arts books and enjoyed each other's presence.


Amy Benson and Dennis Bishop had been miserable since that day in the cave.

They couldn't even tell anyone because of that magic Tom Riddle had put on them and now they had to obey him and Harry Potter.

But it wasn't for a lack of trying, they had learned the hard way that the pain they had felt in the cave would reassert itself when they tried to tell.

And now Riddle and Potter were back from the private school they got to go to for some reason —but if they had to guess after that torture they had undergone, they guessed it was a magic school— and now they secretly-dating boys would make them do their dirty-work.

Walking through the halls of Wool's Orphanage, the boy and girl friend-pair walked around, trying to delay the inevitableness of Riddle calling for them.

So far, Riddle nor Potter hadn't had them do anything serious, but that could change at any time.

Eventually running to fifth and last boy their age, Billy Stubbs, with several of the younger children ranting about the fact Riddle and Potter got to go to a special school.

Eventually laughing, Billy whispered, "I bet it's a school for loonies —after Eric lost it, I bet they did too."

Within a few minutes, Amy and Dennis felt a pull towards Tom and Harry's room.

Once at their destination, like always, Tom ordered them to tell him about anything said about him or Harry while they were away.

But they were never mentioned...except Billy's conversation with the younger kids.


The next day, most of the orphanage was outside playing or talking, but only four —that were not infants— remained: Tom Riddle, Harry Potter, Amy Benson, and Dennis Bishop.

Walking into the bedroom Billy once shared with Eric, the four teenagers saw a white rabbit that had black spots and a ripping-blue ribbon as a collar sleeping on the spare bed in the room.

This bunny was very uncreatively named Spots and was Billy's pet.

Nagini, who was slithering along the floor, watched its prey.

Tom, noticing what his familiar was most likely thinking, hissed, "Be patient, Nagini."

"W-what d-do y-y-you want-t us t-to do?" Amy fearfully asked Tom

Smirking wickedly, Tom replied, "Kill it."

To that, Amy burst into tears but began to quiet her sobs in fear as she picked up the animal.

"Twist it's neck." Harry added

Dennis decided to spare Amy from this pain, took the animal from her, and twisted the animals neck, killing it instantly.

"Amy, take off the animal's collar and feed the corpse to Nagini." Tom ordered

Tears streaming down her face, Amy did so and Nagini swallowed the corpse.

"And leave the bloody ribbon on Billy's pillow." Harry giggled, Tom's arm around his waist as they left the scene of the crime


The next day Billy was a mess over the disappearance and most likely death of his dearly beloved pet.

What a cruel world...

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