The Ravenclaw Test...

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Narrator's POV

Two months later —after the uneventful Yule Break— the Slytherin Second Year quartet was pulled out of Transfiguration to participate in the long Ravenclaw Test.

The house-elf that pulled them out gave them their instructions, "Headmaster Dippet said that you four must solve these riddles and go to the location that they describe. There you will find you next clue and eventually you will find the finish line, but the over six teams are starting and the first three teams to cross the finish line win."

Tom read the first riddle

"You have never seen me, but I am used everyday. In me you can make tea, or even a soufflé. And as far as the eye can see, the house-elves slave away."

"It's got to be the kitchen." Ignatius said and then the quartet ran off to the kitchen

Once there a they saw dozens of house-elves preparing dinner, suddenly an elderly house-elf saw them, stuck her hand into her apron pocket and handed them a scrap of paper with there next riddle.

"In me you will find a creature with wings, hundreds of them litter the room. This room will see all sorts of wonderful things, but it doesn't have that good of a fume."

"The Owlery, that's the only place that could be." Abraxes answered, causing them to run to that location

Inside they saw hundreds of different sizes and kinds of owls, the group began to search for the next riddle, but Harry howeverd found Hedwig instead.

"Hi, girl, how are you?" Harry greeted the owl, stroking her feathers, "Do you know where the clue is, Hedwig?"

Hedwig hooted happily, flying across the room to a jar full of owl treats, Harry stuck his hand inside and found a scrap of paper inside.

"Guys, I found it!" Harry called out, drawing the other's attention, as he rewarded Hedwig with several treats

"Hidden in a unused room of class, I show what you want to see. I am made of glass, and I will give you complete glee. But never trust me alas, for some have never thought to flee."

The four boys were quiet in thought for several minutes before Harry spoke, "I was reading Hogwarts, a History the other day and I read something about a 'Mirror of Erised' that could show you your greatest desire."

"Where is it?" Tom asked

"I would think in the unused corridor." Harry replied

Tom, Harry, Abraxes, and Ignatius made their way into the unused corridor of classrooms, they checked every single one until they found the mirror.

Abraxes looked at the reflection: he saw himself as the best Minister of Magic, with a beautiful wife, excellent child, and a long life.

Ignatius smiled at his reflection: he saw himself in the reflection, with his foot crushing Randolph's neck, smiling, he watched the light drain from his brother's eyes.

Tom found himself drawn to the mirror, looking inside he saw a pleasant sight: Harry and himself as Dark Nobles, changing the Wizarding World for the better.

Harry, however, had the most innocent reflection: he saw Tom and himself, happily married; a child no more than three clutched onto Tom's right leg while Tom held another child no older than two, and Harry saw himself pregnant and holding a baby in his arms.

Smiling, the quartet stared into the mirror when a house-elf stepped out from behind it and handed them their final riddle.

"In a room full of trinkets, you will find your victory. But you wouldn't think it, unless you hurried on thee."

"It could be the Room of Requirement." Abraxes suggested

"No," Tom shot down, "no one knows where that is."

"When I spoke to Headmaster Dippet for my resorting, he had a lot of trinkets in his office." Ignatius suggested

"Lets go." Harry said

When the Slytherin quartet made their way into the Headmaster's Office, they were the first to arrive, soon the Sixth Year Hufflepuffs and First Year Ravenclaws arrived thus marking who would be the final three in the Slytherin Test.

The Slytherins were overjoyed at the news that they would be in one-third of the final test and since the final test was the Slytherin Test there was no way they could lose...

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