The Return of the FireBreathing Lions

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"SEE IF THE GIRL'S OKAY!" Aaron shouts as everyone runs into the gun room.

I pull out my phone and dial Anna's number as fast as i could.

1 ring

2 ring

"ANSWER ANNA!" i shout.

3 ring

"Kai?" Anna's voice softly displays over the phone.

"Are you okay?!!" i shout over the phone.

"Yea... why?" she says.

"That's all i needed to know" i hang up on her then run down to where the guys are.

"How is she?" Justin concentrates on packing up the guns. Brandon throws me a backpack full of guns i suppose.

"She's okay" i put the backpack on my back.

"Good" Colin turns to me with a backpack on his back.

"Where are we going?" i ask.

"FireBreathing Lions territory" dad hands me a knife.

I take the knife and put it in my waistline then grab a gun in case i don't have time to open the backpack, everyone else does too.

"Be careful all of you" mom walks up to us with Maximus.

"We will mom" Aaron and Colin laugh.

"Especially you Kai, stay with one of them at all times" she kisses my forehead and i nod.

"I won't let you down!" i chuckle.

"Call me if anything happens" dad walks up to mom and kisses her.

We get in the car and speed off to wherever this territory is.

"Okay Kai, you'll stay right with me" Justin says then i turn to him and nod.

"We're almost there, be ready" dad takes a sharp turn.

About 5 minutes later we pull up to this old warehouse then jump out of the car and take our covers, Maximus is with my dad, i'm with Justin, and everyone else is separated.

"If we get split up, fight for your life because it fucking depends on it" Justin holds his gun.

"I was going to anyway" i hold my gun up.

Guns start to fire, so we run out of our covers and shoot everyone we see.

5 people come running at me. I aim my gun right at their heads then they drop like flies.

"GET HIS SON" i faintly hear people say. I look over at Justin to see the same expression on his face as it is on mine

"STAY RIGHT NEXT TO ME" he says while he continues to shoot. I look at him with a concerned face then back to shooting.

The bullets didn't stop coming, but people kept dying so that was good. I turn around to Justin to see him not there, while looking around for him i don't see any of the team around. So i run to a few spots while shooting at people.

A guy jumps up behind me and tackles me down with a knife in his hand.

"Gotcha!" he grins then i pull out my knife and jab it right in his head then pull it out while he falls. I throw him off of me then continue running.

"Where are you guys" i whisper to myself.

Two guys run up to me so i use my boxing skills to take them down. I pull my gun up and point it right at their cold heart then pull the trigger.

"THERE HE IS!" a group of guys come running at me. As i run i shoot them one by one, falling lifeless on the ground.

I take cover behind a car that's parked and shoot at people from the under of the car.

"Come on Kai, your father killed ours, don't you find that disturbing?" a voice creeps up behind me. I turn around and run up to him.

Punch right to the nose... i think i broke it.

I continue to punch him down to the ground, once i had my fun and he's tired, i shoot him right in his heart.

I come out from the car and shoot people lifeless.

A sharp pain goes through my wounded shoulder so i turn around to see a guy lowering his gun at me.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH YOU GUYS AND SHOULDERS?!" i hold my shoulder as i pull up my gun to shoot him in the head.

What did my shoulder do to you?

"AH OW!" a person screams, i turn to see Maximus tearing up this guy.

Haha good dog!

a swarm of guys come running at me.

I'm tired of this shit.

I take off the backpack and see a thing of bombs and guns. Well i'll be damned. I grab a bomb then throw the backpack back over my shoulder.

"Bye bye fuckers" i throw the bomb before running off.

I hear a huge boom along with screams, oh well, should've have came at me... well actually they would've died anyway.

Where the fuck is my team? I mean yea this field is huge, actually... never mind yea, they could be anywhere.

Shooting. Shooting. Shooting. Fights here and there, damn this is getting old. I continue to run around the field looking for my people, but y'know i keep getting distracted.

Someone creeps in my mind.


She said she was fine, but now that this gang knows we're here, they know Anna is home without any protection...

Ok, yes i hate her but i don't wanna be responsible if anything happened to her. Plus she isn't apart of this... well i mean i guess now she is, but all she wanted to was come over and finish our stupid project, not get involved in my life.

"Just cause I don't like you doesn't mean I'm not gonna protect you from the dangerous world I'm involved in" i kick the mans body off to the side.

"Promise...?" she shivers.

"Promise" I roll my eyes.

How the fuck is she so... chill? Like oh hey do you promise to protect me? But i promised... i'm one to always keep my promises...

why the fuck did i promise her anything?

Damn this girl.

I'm snapped back in reality when i see my team, so I run faster up to them

"D-" i'm about to shout, but get cut off by being shot with a tranquilizer.

Then a bag goes over my head and it all goes black.

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