Home Sweet Home

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"You fucker!" dad picks him up and throws him across the road. Apollo laughs and uses all his strength to stand up. "You're gonna go back where you came from and leave these kids out of it!" dad snaps and throws a huge rock at him.

"Its only fair if I take my beloved Anna Togo back. I mean, she is my niece after all" Apollo looks at Dragonfly and I pull her into my chest. I told myself I'd kill whoever Togos child was... just go find out that his child is my girlfriend. Obviously I'm not gonna lay a finger on her, which she thinks I am. She cries into my chest and I kiss her head.

"I'm not gonna hurt you Dragonfly, it's okay to talk. We're not gonna let him take you, i promise you" I play with her hair and she pulls out of my chest with red eyes. "I love you, I won't lay a finger on you" I peck her lips and she sends me a small sad smile.

"Anna, do you know anything about your father?" Brandon softly asks, trying to make her feel as comfortable answering these as she can. I wrap my arm around her waist when she turns to Brandon so she knows she not alone.

She tries to form words, but nothing comes out. "I-I never met my father. My mom told me he left her once he found out she was pregnant with me. She never told me who he was or anything, plus I was never interesting in learning anything about an asshole who leaves when they find out they got someone pregnant" she says with hatred in her voice. I rub her stomach assuring her that I'm here. She puts her hand over mine and clutches it.

"Okay" Aaron smiles and nods so she doesn't feel like we're after her. Austin walks up beside me and ruffles Dragonflys hair, causing her to groan fix it. I just know she feels like we hate her, which we don't. It's not her fault that she never knew her father.

"I'm sorry" she turns to me with tears rolling down her cheek. I put my hand on her cheek then wipe away to tears and slightly tilt my head. "For being related to the man that tortured you to death" she looks down and I pull her chin up so she's looking at me.

"It's not your fault Dragonfly, don't apologize. None of us hate you, stop thinking we do. I love you so much and I don't care if you're related to him because you're absolutely nothing compared to that bastard" I peck her lips and she hugs me.

"Don't you fucking try my family" dad aims his gun at Apollos head. "You were gonna die anyway. Tell Togo to be ready when I arrive there" he shoots him right in the head, an instant death. Dragonfly digs her head in my chest to avoid watching or hearing dad kill him.

"Lock..." mom looks at us then dad. Austin's still eating fucking goldfish... how does she still have the appetite for that? I haven't eaten in days and I don't even have the appetite after this.

"They've seen us kill before, Kai and Austin even killed before" dad turns to us and we nod. "Let's go home" he starts walking towards the car and everyone follows him. I sigh and nudge at Dragonflys shoulder, making her push out of my chest and follow me into the car.

We got in the car with Dragonfly on my lap sleeping, Austin on the side of my with our heads holding each other up as we slept. I wake up to the sound of a camera, mom puts her phone up and smiles like she did nothing. I shake my head and laugh as I sit up with two still sleeping grown kids on me.

"Do you want something to eat baby?" mom gives me a sad smile and I shake my head no. I just wanna go home on my fluffy bed and sleep for the next three years. "Thirsty?" she holds up a water bottle and I stretch my arm out for it then chug it down, some water dripping on Dragonfly and Austin.

"I love you mom" I put my empty water bottle on the seat and faintly smile. She smiles back and pulls out an envelope then hands it to me. I look at her in confusion then slowly start opening it.

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