Return to School

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"Do you feel up to school?" mom hands me my backpack.

"Yea, if anything happens i'll text you" i grab my keys and pet Maximus goodbye.

"Alright then, have a good day" she smiles and i smile back.

I hop in my car then go to pick up Austin. Once i pull into his house he runs into my car while trying to catch his breath.

"What?" i ask.

"Nothing, just wanna get away from my mom as soon as possible" he laughs.

"Yikes" i speed towards the school.

"So how do you feel?" he looks over to me.

"Good enough to go to school. I had a week off, i should be fine" i say.

We pull up to the school then get out of the car and walk in. Gasps are heard as people move out of the way.

I see Anna talking to her boyfriend and friend, she didn't even glance at me.

Thank fuck.


I walk into my first class to see everyone already seated and doing their work. I sit at my everyday seat next to Anna and pull my backpack up to get a pencil... which i don't have...

"Anna" i whisper to her and she turns to me with a confused face.

"Do you have a pencil?" i ask.

"Yea" she turns around then starts digging in her backpack. She turns back around to me with a little smile as she hands me the pencil then turns back around.

Class went by as normal, Anna kept her word in which she's not looking or talking to me. Not hearing her voice is pleasant but strange since she's been basically with me all last week during everything.

The bell rings and everyone runs out of class, usually i'd be one of them but i'm sore today and don't wanna deal with dying again.

As soon as I walk out Liam jogs up to me and walks beside me.

"What the fuck do you want" i growl.

"How do you feel? Y'know since you were kinda beat repeatedly and involved my girlfriend to be kidnapped along with Austin" he looks at me.

"What?" I ask in confusion and he walks off.

Anna fucking told him. She told him we were kidnaped...

I look around for her but everyone is already in their classes so i look into every classroom window until i seen that little bitch.

Then i do.

I barge into the classroom and walk up to her desk. She looks at me i fear as i drag her out of the room and into the hallway.

"Wha-" i cut her off.

"You told Liam!!" i shout in her face and grab onto her shirt collar.

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