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How many times am I gonna throw up today?! Ok well it's only been twice, but still! It's been going on ever since after school Monday when Austin walked me home from school and it's now Wednesday. Kai's been texting me everyday asking if I'm okay and if i need someone over here with me, but I always decline. He especially can't get sick before this fight and I just don't like people coming over when I'm not feeling good.

A little knock on the door and heard before the door slowly opens. "Are you okay?" mom softly asks and I turn to her to nod, but then I feel sick once again, making me turn back to the toilet just in case. "We're gonna try one more thing and if that doesn't work either than I'll schedule a doctors appointment for tomorrow" she says and I put my thumbs up. "Call me if you need anything" I hear the door close.

My phone goes off and I grab it to see its Kai. I swipe answer and put the ear up to my ear. "Hey" I try to say in the most non sickly voice ever. Probably failed because he's staying silent for a good few seconds.

"How are you feeling?" he speaks up and says in a genuinely concerned voice. You know those people that just ask if you're okay because theres nothing else to talk about? Yea that's definitely not Kai. He's been calling and texting me non stop like that loving human being he is.

"I uh- I'm still puking my guts out" I say and he sighs. Poor thing has been freaking out about me since Austin told him I wasn't feeling good monday. "Babe please stop worrying about me, I'm fine over here plus my mom's checking up on me a lot. Just go train and call me whenever you're done" I try get through his stubborn hard headed self.

"Ok fine. Call me if you need anything. I love you" he says and I return the I love you before hanging up on him. As soon as I put my phone down, sickness comes back into my stomach so I hover over the toilet with a groan. I've already missed two days of these preparations and nothing could stress me more than missing things that could help me with these tests that count towards my graduation.

"Anna! I'm going to the drug store real fast!" mom shouts and I shout back okay. Looks like I'm babysitting... yay. The door creeks open and I see Josh slowly walking towards me with a worried look on his face.

"Are you okay A?" he stands up in front of kneeling down me. I smile and nod. I love my brother so damn much like aww! He doesn't like me any other times, but when it come to my health, he's all worried. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay" he says in the cutest voice ever and I ruffle his hair with a smile on my face then I mouth thank you. "See you later!" he then runs off. Ha there's the Josh I know.

Where could I have possibly been that could've gave me this? Maybe the park? Shit, I don't know but I want this gone by tomorrow because I'm going to school. Go figure all of this would happen during finals eh? Ugh just my luck, now I'm gonna be taking my practice work and continuously run out of the class to throw up.

Maybe it's from the night of the dance... but I don't think your first time having sex would make you sick, or at least this sick. My head starts to suddenly hurt and I groan loudly at the fact I have another problem to deal with. I get up, walk downstairs and go into the kitchen cabinets to look for a Tylenol. Once I find it, I take out a cup and fill it with water then take the pill and swallow it down.

I walk into the living room to turn on a movie once I sit down... but that all changed when my stomach starting acting up again. UGHHH!

The drug store is only two minutes away, where could mom possibly b-" I get cut from my thoughts when I hear a door shut from outside. My stomach is definitely not waiting for her to get in the house so I run into the nearest bathroom. The front door opens then I hear a little knock of the door before it opens

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