Graduation Gender Reveal

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"Good morning little cutie!" Dragonflys soft voice is the first thing I hear when my eyes flutter open. She's talking to the baby... like she did Little Bear. She gasps, "and daddy's awake!" she smiles and looks at me. I return the smile and kiss her cheek. "I can't wait to find out its gender!"

I nod and stretch my arms out. "Graduation day!" I get out of bed. She also gets out of bed and wraps her arms around my waist. My arms wrap around her little body and my lips crash into hers. When we pull apart, she rests her head on my chest then rubs her thumb on my back. "What's this for?" I chuckle and rub her back.

"Everything" she begins. "You've done nothing but care for me and would do anything for my happiness over yours" she pulls away and wraps her arms around my neck. Her brown eyes stare into my green ones. "You accepted me for the nerd I am, you trusted me, you helped me get out of a relationship I wasn't happy in... you gave me a baby, I mean you don't really see that with anyone at our school. They're all selfish and just wanna hook up, but you... you're so much different Kai Dakota Archer. Even if you aren't, I'm so excited to raise this baby with you because we can do it... we're a team" she smiles and I kiss her. Our foreheads lay on each other as I smile. "I love you so much, Kai"

"I love you too" I kiss her cheek. My phone interrupts the moment and check it to see Austin. We originally planned to graduate together, but i can't since i didn't finish so i'm just gonna help him get ready and cheer that asshole on when he gets called up. "Austin, sorry"

She laughs and nods as she goes into the bathroom. I throw clothes and rush out of the house to Austin's place. He runs out his house screaming its graduation day, making me laugh. "I'M FREE BABY!" he laughs.

"Not so fast" I smirk. "College, we all got accepted into the same one so you're not free yet" i wink and he gives me his middle finger. "Oh hey, aee you going to Dragonflys ultrasound today after gra-"

"DUH! Uncle Austin back in the house so of course!!" he cuts me off and excitedly jumps around. "I'm really happy for you guys, Kai" he smiles. I wrap an arm around him then walk us inside. I wish I could I jump around like that again... I'm just really nervous for this again, I mean it's been months.

Well, graduation here Austin and Dragonfly come!


"Austin Crayton" the principal announces Austins name and the whole family cheers him on. When I say family, I mean my family, his family, and Dragonflys family are all here to support these two nuts. I stand up clapping and shouting. He smiles wide once he's greeted his diploma so I take a picture. "Anna Frey" the principal moves us. We still continue cheering on and raking pictures of my two best friends.

Once the ceremony's over, we run over to them and hug them as tight as we could while congratulating them. "YOU DID IT!" I pick Austin up bridal style and he laughs, causing everyone to take a picture. I put him down then walk up to Dragonfly and passionately kiss her. "At least college I can stand up there with you" I chuckle and she shakes her head as she laughs.

"Picture!" everyone takes out their phone and Austin, Dragonfly and I stand next to each other, me in the middle, smiling. "Woohoo!" they clap and laugh.

We took a hundred more pictures then went home so they could change and go to the ultrasound. I pull off my shirt then I hear a whistle behind me so I turn around to see Dragonfly already dressed up and everything. "You look hot babe!" she laughs and I playfully roll my eyes as I throw on another shirt. "Ok ok ok you're done! Now let's go see what our baby is and looks like!" she takes my hand and drags me downstairs to an already ready family.

"Let's hit the road!" dad throws his keys in the air and catches them as we walk out the door. We follow behind him and fit as many of us we can in the suv then take another separate car.

We reach the place in ten minutes and get Dragonfly signed in. She gets called back pretty quickly so we walk behind her to the back. She sits down in the big chair then the doctor puts that goo shit on her stomach and places the little remote thing over it.

The screen shows everything as she moves it around until she finds the baby. It's sooo small and it looks like it's holding up its knees. "And you're having a boy!" the doctor announces and everyone cheers just like the first time. Dragonfly clutches onto my hand and i smile.

A boy. In that case, awesome! It's more likely he'll do "big boy" stuff with me! I kiss Dragonflys cheek and stare at the ultrasound with a smile displayed on my face. Oh the things I can teach him, well, I would've taught Little Bear them but with him I can teach him a variety of things I couldn't do with a girl!

"Ha! Double the trouble now, Kai with a boy woooohoooo good luck Anna" Colin laughs and i glare at him. He points at me as everyone laughs. "I love you" he says through his chuckles.

We walk out the office then Dragonfly holds me back. "Let's name him!" she smiles and i slightly tilt my head. "So we don't just keep calling him an it. He needs a name!" she convinces. I sigh and look at her.

"Is that necessary? I mean... we have a lot of time" i try to reason. Truth is, i'm nervous to get attached to him just to get him snatched away from me. She pulls out her bottom lip and gives me puppy eyes. I groan and put my hands on her sides. "Silas"

"Silas..." she looks to her side as she thinks. "I love it! Silas you are, cutie" she puts her hand on her bump and smiles. I kiss her forehead then take her hand and lead her to the car.

Oh Silas please don't break my heart like your sister did.


"BABE BABE BABE!!" Dragonfly shouts and motions her hand for me to go over to her. I immediately run over to her with concern on my face and keys in my hand ready for anything. "He's kicking!" she takes my hand and places it over her stomach. I clench my jaw once i don't feel anything. "Ugh Silas you're stubborn! You were just kicking!" she groans and i chuckle as i kneel down.

"Come on champ! Show me what you got!" I encourage and he kicks what seems hard. Dragonfly winches and holds her stomach. "Haha sorry. Good one kiddo" i wink and she rolls her eyes. "He's a boxer babe"

"Real cute" Dragonfly ruffles my hair and i stand up and raise an eyebrow. "Like I'd let my little boy get repeatedly punched in the face... like you, that's probably why you're suggesting that. Too many hits to the head" she knocks onto my head and laughs. I shake my head and laugh along.

I walk back over to my cereal and eat it as i stand. "He's gonna like cereal" i say once i finish. She playfully rolls her eyes and walks up to me. "Here, see if he likes it" i hand her the bowl and she looks at me like i'm crazy. I return the look and she takes the bowl then eats some. "He like it?!"

She holds up her index finger as she eats the froot loops. "If you like me chew it down fi-" she pauses and looks right at me. "He's wiggling" she rubs her stomach and i smile.

"Kai one, Dragonfly zero!" I make a zero with my hand. She rolls her eyes and places the bowl in the sink before leaving the kitchen into my room. "Fuck i'm exhausted" I mumble to myself and drag my arms up the stairs.

We cuddle in bed and talk about what not then drift off to sleep. I refuse to talk to Silas. Call me a bad father, but my reasons are valid enough for me. I'm not blaming Silas, no, I'm blaming myself, leave my fucking child out of it. It's me versus myself. A kick snaps me out of my thoughts, making me open my eyes immediately.

"Silasssss" Dragonfly groans and moves into a new position. I chuckle and go back to sleep. He's a strong baby, not gonna lie. He's so little though... he's like tiny but mighty! Well, not to get cocky, but he is my son so hell yea he's strong!

I finally set my thoughts aside and drift into a deep sleep. I'm really hoping this pregnant works out.

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