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"Kai!" Dragonflys shouting causes me to fall out of bed with my heart beating out of my chest and breathing so deep that I'm sweating. "Are you okay?! You were having a nightmare and starting freaking out in your sleep... it scared me Kai" she say with nervousness and I shoot up.

"Are you okay" I pull up her shirt to see Little Bear perfectly fine and not bleeding. "Oh thank fuck!" my forehead places on her stomach as I process everything that just happened. It was just a dream Kai... just a dream.

Dragonfly rubs my back in attempt to calm me while I breathe in and out harshly. Why the fuck would I have that dream?! Her face... the blood... I remember it all so clearly that it's terrifying. 

"Hey, we're fine and so are you. Whatever your nightmare was about wasn't real baby" she assures and I move up to her face so I can kiss her. You're both okay and that's all I need to hear. To think about it... what could I have done? I would've just told someone in the house because I'm useless. What if we were home alone... how would she have counted on me?

"Kai!" mom and dad shout from downstairs. Groaning, I get up with Dragonfly by my side and we walk down the stairs. Once we make it down, there standing next to mom is my old playground buddy I met at the park when we were around seven.

"Emma?" I scan her up and down to see if my eyes are telling the truth. The smile on her face is so big... along with the rest of her... her boobs and ass almost look like they're fake. She defiantly grew up from the last time I saw her, she use to be this little blonde girl whose now a tall blonde girl. I'm not good with comparisons... unless if it's against Kendall.

She hugs me so tight that it's pretty uncomfortable. "Kai!" she pulls away and looks like me. "It's been forever since we saw each other! You're so big now and your voice is so much deeper, but what didn't change is your messy hair" she chuckles and ruffles my hair. "How have you been?!" she asks like she doesn't know already.

"Forget about me, what about you?" I ask since I'm not repeating history that she already knows about, I mean it was ALL over the internet. She gets ready to talk until she sees Dragonfly behind me.

"If I was honest, when you were on the news I knew I had to see my old friend again so I asked my mom if she still had you moms number. But I've been good, who's your friend?" she asks with a smile and I look at Dragonfly who makes a smile appear of my face.

I take her hand and pull her back into my chest then hold her securely. "My girlfriend Dragonf- I mean Anna" I cringe at her name. Not because i don't like it, because I'm so used to called her Dragonfly that I don't like saying her name anymore.

"Nice to meet you" Dragonfly shakily says with a nervous smile. Emma shakes her head and takes her out of my grip to hug her. Emma was never a much for greetings, she would just hug you then you're now her friend.

"Where's Maximus?" she asks and we all clench our jaws which I think she got the message. "Oh I'm sorry..."

"Forget about it, wanna tour around here?" I ask. She lived on the other side of the county so I'm guessing she never got a view here. She nods and I look at mom and dad whose nodding saying it's okay. "Okay, we have to change first so just wait outside or something" I say then Dragonfly and I walk to my room.


I get finished getting dressed first, surprisingly. Probably because we didn't take a shower and that I didn't put on my light makeup. Kai's still getting ready so I just sit on the bed and wait for him.

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