Start of our Friendship

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Kai walks in with a faint smile on his face that's he's trying to keep down, I look at him and slightly tilt my head. How does this kid go from sad to trying to keep a smile down? Ohhh yea his little girl friend was over... OH!

"Someone get their first kiss?" I lean on my side onto the wall with a huge smirk on my face. Butterfly comes up from behind and wraps her arms around me as she also looks at Kai, waiting for an answer.

"No, we all just hung out and I really needed that" he pulls his lips in and shakes his head awkwardly. This kid really is half of me and Butterfly, one minute he's smiling which he gets from his mom, then the next he's in denial, which he gets from me. Sometimes he's really a pain in the ass though

"He grew up so fast Lock" Butterfly chuckles and I nod in agreement. I remember when he was just a baby trying to get into things with Justin and Colin, but here he is now, getting into things on his own... it's kinda scary though honestly... I don't want him to end up making bad decisions like I did as a teen.

"Tell me, how do you from hating someone so much then share ice cream with them?" Kai looks at us in confusion. I raise an eyebrow at him while Butterfly's grinning from ear to ear.

"You like her don't you Kai?!" Butterfly asks in excitement. She's been waiting for Kai to this day to happen ever since he was born, me, not so much.  Kai looks at her in disgust which makes me chuckle.

"What the fuck mom, no! I just met her for one, and two I'm still getting use to her. She's just a good help, she really got Austin and I out of our pity party" he throws his keys on the table and pulls off his hoodie.

"Lock I think this kiddo's broken, wanna have another one?" Butterfly looks up at me and I instantly jolt up. I look at her like she's crazy. When she was pregnant with Kai, I thought I'd go crazy before I met my son. Her mood swings were surreal! She would yell at me then the next she wants she cuddle with me. I mean yea it was fun knowing she was pregnant with my kid and that I would talk to him every night, but it was hell.

"Noooo! Austin's enough" Kai laughs and I laugh along. Yea uh no more kids. After seeing how Kai and Austin behave together, I'd be in a mental asylum.

"Yea, aren't two boys good enough? I mean they're enough trouble and-" she cuts me off.

"Ok ok I get it" she laughs. Austin grew up with our family, so I basically considered him my son. It's literally how the guys and I are practically brothers, our moms raised us like their sons.

"Haha well I'm going to bed guys. Night!" Kai runs up the stairs into his room. Butterfly kisses my cheek, making me look at her. I turn around and wrap my arms around her little body.

"He's a lot like you" she chuckles. I always compared him to Butterfly, never me. Though he reminds me a lot of myself when he's angry and sad. Especially his temper. But I always seen him more as Butterfly.

I know one thing though, he definitely has his father's good looks.


Austin and I walk into school with our heads held high. We walked over to Dragonfly and her friends who are standing by a pair of lockers just talking, well until we arrive.

"Hey!" Dragonfly sends a warm hearted smile our way. I look over to her blonde friend and pretty boy, they're both looking at me in freight. I roll my eyes, I'm not here for them, I'm here for our Dragonfly.

"Hey, are you busy after school?" I just focus on her, nobody around me. Because again, I'm not here for them. She thinks for a minute then pulls out her phone to check something.

"Nope" she puts her phone back in her pocket then looks back at me with the same little smile on her face.

"Cool, cause you're riding home with us" I say demanding. Pretty boy and her friend look at me like I'm gonna kill her, i return the look at them which makes them turn around.

The bells rings and everyone heads off to class. Dragonfly and I walked to class together since y'know we have that class together.

The day went by as normal, Dragonfly and I have been talking all throughout the two classes we have together. She's actually a really fun person to be around, we even ate lunch together. We're now on our way to a kids playground Austin and I have been going to since we were kids.

"A playground? Are we four?" Dragonfly chuckles and we nod. I pull into a parking spot then we get out, Austin and I run for the monkey bars. You see, we're both reallllly competitive and when it comes to beating each other at something, our egos go sky rocket.

"Bitch!" I laugh as I jump onto a bar. Dragonfly walks up to us then jumps onto a few bars away from me with a little smirk on her face.

"I'm the monkey bar queen!" she takes one hand off the bar and she's now hanging off one hand. Ohhh okay I see, she wants to have a play off, well then Dragonfly... let's have a play off.

"I'm the monkey bar King" I smirk and jump off the bars "let's have a timing race, see who goes faster" I pull out my phone and put it on stopwatch. Austin takes my phone and Dragonfly crosses her arms across her chest with a smirk.

I start at the first bar then wait for Austin to tell me he started the stopwatch. He gives me a thumbs up and rush down to the last bar the fastest I could. Dragonflys face has shock on it while I jump off the last bar onto the sand.

"How long?" I look at Austin whose jaws dropped in amazement.

"Three seconds..." he says with proudness in his voice. Hah! Take that Dragonfly, according to the look on her face, I don't think she's gonna beat the record. She hangs onto the first bar and looks at Austin. He gives her a thumbs up and she jumps from bar to bar as fast as she could. She gets to the last bar and Austin and I give her a you're good look.

"Did I beat him?!" she still hangs at the last bar with hope on her face. Austin looks down at my phone and chuckles.

"Five seconds" he turns the phone to her and she drops her jaw. I laugh and walk up in front of her with my arms out to catch her. She rolls her eyes and let's go of the bars, jumping into my arms. I wrap an arm around her back and she wraps her legs around my torso.

"That was still pretty good" I look at her with haha I won look on my face. She huffs and rests her head on my shoulder. Bloody hell I love the feeling of her warmth... it's soothing and it feels... right.

Austin starts to run at us, making me run away from him. Dragonfly looks up and I guess she sees Austin because she starts to laugh and tell me to run faster, which I do. I slowly start to slow down purposely since Austin is one full running power.

"Why are you slowing down?" she whispers in my ear and I smirk. I hear Austin running up behind us and I immediately stop in my tracks, making him bump into my back and falling. Dragonfly and I laugh as he groans.

"Oh you shouldn't be laughing Dragonfly" I unwrap my arms around her which catches her off guard and she falls in the sand. I laugh and grab my phone from Austin whose dramatically laying in the sand.

Austins failure distracts me, not noticing Dragonfly is no longer on the ground. Then suddenly she jumps onto my back laughing, attempting to make me fall down but she failed miserably.

I guess this is the start of our friendship.

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