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Silas walks out of his room with his tangled messy sleep hair, which he definitely gets from Ki, and rubs his eyes. I walk up the stairs and pick him up since he's still a bit too young to walk down them himself. He looks at me and I play with his hair. "Good morning baby" I kiss his cheek.

It's been two years and Silas turns two in a week! Kai, the family, and I have been working our asses off to make it a good one! Two years old already... I can't wrap that around my head!

I sit him down at the table as I go into the kitchen and make his breakfast. "Morwing! Where's daddy?" he asks with excitement. Oh yea, that for a fact hasn't changed! Silas has Kai wrapped around his finger and they're always together doing things, but I live for it.

"He's at school right now cutie" I place a plate of toast in front of him then sit down. He frowns and pushes away his plate. "No Silas, we're not doing this today. Daddy will be home later" I push the plate back to him. Kai always eats breakfast with Silas so he's getting into the habit of not eating when Kai isn't here to eat with him. He looks down and looks down his lip which always breaks Kai and I's heart. "If you're a good boy and eat, I'll let you talk to daddy when he's at lunch" I put my hand on his cheek.

He shakes his head excitedly and begins eating. I chuckle and pull my hand back. He's the most precious child ever and I love him so fucking much. "Hey little guy!" Justin walks up to him and ruffles his hair, making Silas chuckle and wave.

The guys all come up and pick him up once he's finished with his toast. "Is it okay if we take him to the pet store with us? He's more than safe when he's with us" they pull up their shirt to show all their weapons displayed in their waistband.

"I already knew he'd be safe with you guys" I laugh. "But yea, he can go!" my answer makes Silas shout in excitement. I walk up to him and point my finger at him. "Be a good boy or I'll pick you right up" I try to in the most softest stern voice I could. He nods and smiles. "Ok baby I love you" I kiss his cheek.

"I wuv you too!" he waves before they walk out the door with him. I love Silas, but having him out the house could be an opportunity for me so I'm gonna take it!


"Mommy!!" Silas tries to run towards me, but once he goes too fast, he would've face planted the ground if I didn't catch him. I hold him and chuckle. Before I could speak, he beats me to it. "Cat!" he shouts and I tilt my head.

"He wants a cat for his birthday" Lock smirks as he walks past me then goes into weapon room with the guys following behind him. I look back at Silas and he's nodding with a big smile. A cat? How the hell am I gonna convince Kai th- actually, Kai would get anything for Silas so it shouldn't be hard.

I nod and kiss his cheek then go into the kitchen, still holding him, we make lunch which is cheese and crackers... um delicious! Silas helped, giving me the crackers as I do two different kind of cheeses, the block of cheese and spray cheese. Silas loves the spray cheese ones so I make him more of those. "We're done!" I put my hand up for a high five.

We sit down and start to eat, "daddy!" Silas begs and I instantly remember I told him we could talk to him. I pull out my phone and tap on FaceTime which keeps ringing and ringing. That's... odd? He always answers especially at lunch time because that's when we always FaceTime him.. the call ends and I look confused at it. "No daddy?" Silas pouts.

"No daddy" I confirm and kiss his temple. He sighs and continues eating, as do I. Maybe he didn't hear the phone or left it at the table as he went to do something... there's definitely a logical explanation for this so I'm not going into full panic mode and jumping to conclusions.

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