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"She's an adorable girl, really and you two make a cute couple. Oh imagine the kids you'll idiotically have just like your mom and dad" he makes a tsk noise and my blood boils. Him continuously making fun of my family is something nobody does but me. "I'm not here to hurt you little Kai, but it's only a matter of time until you pass out from starvation and exhaustion. I'm just here to help you" he smirks.

"Listen Apollo, I'm sick and tired of whatever scheme you're planning. Why don't you stop being a little bitch and put your plan to action already?" I cross my arms across my chest and his smirk turns into a line with a furious mug. He pulls out his gun and I roll my eyes. "Hey man look I don't have a weapon sooo can we go bare hands?" I tease.

"You're a dead boy!" he throws his gun and runs at me. I dodge him then run up to the gun he threw. You know I'm so tired of playing these games. I aim at him then pull the trigger, causing him to fall to the ground.

While making a tsking noise, I walk up to him. His blood is dripping all over the road and he looks pretty dead to me, but he's not. I aimed to where he can be hurt enough so I can ask him questions.

"Who are you Apollo? What are you to my dad?" I kick his side and he coughs out blood. He smiles sickly. Yea im not playing this game so I go to walk off, but I hear him trying to talk.

"I want it to be a surprise, I'll tell you when you're dad comes" he wipes blood off his mouth and I walk in front of him with a confused face. "Meaning, you stay here with me until your crew shows up. It's an awesome surprise, everyone should be there to witness it"

I groan and sit on the curb. I don't know what this guy has up his sleeve, but I'm too weak to keep moving right now. San Diego is only two hours from Los Angeles, but with how dad speeds, it's only an hour away.

He goes to speak, but I pick up a rock and throw it at him. "Shut up" I growl. "I'm not here to have a conversation" I'm only here because I'm sure dad what's to here who this guy really is too and why he keeps coming at me for no reason.


The crews suv car pulls up to the scene and I stand up. They found me! I run up to the car and everyone jumps out to hug me so tight that it hurts, but I love it so much. "You're here! In front of me!!" I say excitedly and pull out of the hug so I can see everyone's faces.

"We thought we lost you" mom cries and hugs me. I rub her back and kiss her head. "Don't you ever do that again Kai Dakota Archer" she pulls back and wipes her tears away. I nod as my eyes start to water.

Dad doesn't hesitate to hug me once mom backs up. He digs his head into my shoulder and pats my back. "Are you okay?" he mumbles into my shoulder as he starts crying. I nod and dig my head into his shoulder as well. "Good" he pulls back and scans me up and down.

"Get out the way" Aaron pushes dad and hugs me. I laugh and hug him back. "You're so stupid but I love you so much" he pats my back and pulls back then puts his hands on my shoulder.

"I love you guys too" I pat his back then I feel a poke on my shoulder, making me turn around just to pull back into a bear hug by Colin. "Hey Colin" I laugh. Y'know, I expected a huge lecture from them

"Kai, stop thinking that you need to join us in every fight" he pulls back. "Your dad didn't want you to go because we were protecting you from... well this" before I could say anything, I get picked up from behind by Justin and Brandon.

"Yea, but his just being young and dumb, like how we were" Brandon laughs and ruffles my hair. "Give the kid a break right now, he just got out of his execution" he punches Colin.

"Thats our Kai!" Justin pats my chest then let's me back down on the ground. "We can talk about it later, not now" he ruffles my hair just like how Brandon did. I see Austin and run up to him. He hugs me as soon as I make it to him.

"Hey babe!" he laughs and I cry onto his shoulder. "I missed you so much you little bitch! Ever leave us again then I'm gonna fucking slam your head in the toilet" he cries. I pull out of the hug and look at him with a disgusted expression because of what he just said. "Love you...?" he tightly smiles and I hit his shoulder.

Then I see the cutest girl of my life. I run up to her and pick her up. She wraps her legs around my waist and immediately crashes her lips into mine. Hell i missed this so much, i missed everyone so much.

We pull out of the kiss and she places her forehead on mine then cuff my cheeks with a huge smile on her face. "Did you really me-" i go to ask her if she really meant that she loved me, but she cuts me off by kissing me.

"Yes Kai, I love you so much" she wraps her arms around my neck and rests her head on my shoulder. "I'm so glad you're back in my arms baby" she plays with the hairs on the back of my neck.

The guys whistle and clap. I roll my eyes and smile as i dig my head into the crook of her neck. My stomach growls really loud, making Dragonfly shoot up.

"I'm so sorry i forgot!" she unwraps her legs and gets out of my grip. "Guess what i packed!" she smiles and i slightly tilt my head. "Snacks!" she runs into the car then runs back to me with a bunch of chips and what not. "I grabbed what i could, i'm sorry if you do-" i cut her off by grabbing a bag of cheetos she has in her hands and chug them down my throat. She laughs and wraps her arm around my waist.

"What's he doing here?!" dad shouts and i look over to see him looking at Apollo. The guys walk up to him with an angry face displayed and Justin pulls him up by his collar

"Oh!" i talk as the cheetos are still full my mouth. "He wanted to reveal who he really was" i point at him with cheesy fingers then eat the current cheetos in my mouth, "And i shot him". They look at me with their eyebrows pushed together then shake their heads before turning back to him.

"Just uh" Dragonfly pats my back. "Just eat your food and try not to choke..." she takes her hand off my back and Austin snatches goldfish from her arms. "HEY! i was about to eat those Austin!"

"Let him have them" i shrug and she looks at me with a pout face. Austin laughs and sticks his tongue out at her.

"Why are you sticking up for him!" she groans as she looks at Austin whose eating the goldfish one by one in her face. I hand her a cheeto, but she just looks at me and i eat it.

"Because he's my best friend" i smirk and she rolls her eyes. "Aww don't pout, gotta be faster next time. You know Austin loves goldfish" i wrap my arm around her shoulder.

"KIDS!" dad shouts and we look at him. We mouth the words sorry then look at Apollo whose now sitting up against the curb with his hand over his chest where i shot him at. "Talk Apollo" dad stomps.

"I can wait until your kids are done fighting over food" Apollo crosses his arms across his chest with a raised eyebrow.

"Thank you!" Austin throws a goldfish up and catches it. "Don't you wish you could-"

"AUSTIN!" everyone shouts and he laughs. Haha boy oh boy did i miss my best friend. He's the one that makes the most serious situation turn into a laughing session.

"Anyway" Apollo looks at us in disgust before turning to dad. "I never fully introduced myself now have i?" he smirks and looks at us. "Apollo Togo" he smiles and our jaws drop.

"Togo only has one brother and he lives in Missouri, who the fuck are you then? His fucking sister?" Brandon growls and i stand tall.

"The one and only brother" he says in the most cocky voice ever. "Whose just on a mission to find my niece" he looks over to Dragonfly and smirks. I look at Dragonfly to see her just as shocked as i am.

She's the daughter of Togo...

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