Catching Feelings

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I run into school to find Delilah as fast as I could to tell her everything that happened yesterday. I didn't mean to lay my head in Kai's shoulder, but hell with it, that boy is so muscular and huge. I'm not a hoe, but obviously I can't deny his good looks soooo.

"Deli!" I run up to her, out of breath. She looks at me like I'm crazy then laughs. I pull out my water bottle then drink some while I calm down. "Yesterday was soooo fun!! You need to hangout with us one day! We went to a playground down the road and had a monkey bar competition then Kai held me as we ran from Austin, oh and at the end of the day we blasted music on the way home! It's really fun Deli!" I say with so much excitement in my voice.

"Wait you're friends with them now? And you're hanging out with them now...?" she gives me a look of uneasiness and uncomfortable. I push my eyebrows together as my happiness drops to the ground. Isn't she happy Kai's getting more comfortable around me?

"Yea... I thought you knew that? Deli, Kai's really starting to open up to me, so is Austin. T-they're my friends, I love being with them..." I say in a low tone. She's my best friend why isn't she being supportive? I've always been supporting her throughout our friendship...

"I-I'm sorry Anna... I can't be around you if you're talking to those boys..." she says in a sad tone. My jaw slightly drops in sadness as she walks pass me. Did my own best friend just... leave me? This is just like when I told Kai I didn't wanna be around him... did he feel this betrayed? Probably not, he's Kai.

"Hey cutie" Kendall walks up to me with a chuckle. He looks at my expression before saying, "what's wrong?" his smile falls into a frown. I look up at him with sorrow in my eyes, which he sensed because he pulled me into a big hug.

I love this about Kendall, he just senses it and jumps to try to make you feel better. He's the good in the world that everyone needs, he really is an amazing guy and I'm so thankful to have him in my life...

"Are you busy after school?" he pulls out of the hug and looks at me. I go to say no, but then I remember Austin and Kai wanna hangout after school.

"Yea, I'm sorry" I run my fingers through my hair. I feel bad for not being able to hang out with him, but I can't ditch Kai like that. I've only known Kendall for a few days, but I'm really starting to like this guy... it sounds so crazy but hear me out, we talk sooo much and already know a whole bunch about each other, we just... clicked.

"It's fine Anna, don't be sorry" he smiles. Ok wow he's absolutely adorable. The bell rings so Kendall and I start walking towards class. I told him what Delilah told me, he was pretty mad about that so he kept ranting about how you don't leave your friends for something so stupid and all that shit.

We split up since we don't have this class together then I walk into class seeing Kai with a stressed face as I sit down next to him. Scanning his expressions, his eyebrows pull together and his mouth is slightly open in confusion.

"What's on your mind?" I chuckle at his frustration and he snaps out of his thoughts, looking up at me then pulls a paper up to my face.

"How the fuck do you do this?!" he slams the paper back on the desk and groans while he stressfully runs his fingers through his hair. I noticed that a lot about Kai, when he's stressed or mad, he'll pull at the ends on his hairs and run his fingers throughout his hair.

"Haha let me help you" I grab the paper from his desk and look at it. "Okay so" I start to explain everything to him, he oo's in realization and gives me a thumbs up before getting to work.

Class ended and as soon as I get out of the room, Kendall's waiting for me with a little smile once he sees me. I return the smile then we walk to class together talking about the random things we talk about. He starts to talk about his family, which I utterly love so much. The way he talks about his little brothers, like he would say how annoying they are then how he's their biggest fan on the baseball bases. He's so sweet talking about his mother and father as if he as a perfect family. His mom seems so sweet and dad seems so chill.

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