Fire Alarm Escape

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"Holy fuck guys!! Make your kids call me uncle Austin please!" Austin hits my shoulder as he excitedly jumps around like a kid who was just told schools cancelled, wait, that's everyone.

You guessed it, we told Austin we're dating and as you seen, he's pretty excited. Feels really good to have that kind of family that's genuinely excited for you as much as you're excited for yourself.

"Definitely" Dragonfly laughs and i slightly tilt my head as i look at her. I know it's a joke, i do. But they both know i hate kids, so why even make the joke? Eh, whatever, i really don't care.

The warning bell rings for first period, making everyone clear the hallways, so we split up with Austin to go to our classes. Class is pretty dull today honestly... well when is it ever not dull? All were doing is this really confusing worksheet that I know nothing about or how to do. Groaning and stressfully running my hairs from my hair, I feel a hand be place on my thigh as I work, I look over to see Dragonfly looking at me. I push my eyebrows towards, asking her what's wrong.

"Stop stressing" she whispers and I look back over to the sheet then back to her. "All you need to do it ask for help, you may be really smart, but there will always be those things you don't understand Kai" she chuckles and scoots closer to me.

I sigh and go to speak, but I'm cut off by the fire alarm going off, causing everyone to run out of the room. Dragonfly and I stand up, but I know this isn't a fire alarm. That gang is looking for us and I know they're out there lined up with guns. I grab Dragonflys hand and run out of the class to find Austin.

"What are you doing?! It's a fire alarm! We've been trained to go outside since we were in elementary school!" she says as we run. We don't have time to talk, right now I need to find my best friend. We run through crowds of people running towards us to get out the door then I finally spot Austin and he runs faster towards us.

"THIS ISN'T A FIRE ALARM" we both say in union.

"We have to get out of here" still holding onto Dragonflys hand, I start running with Austin by my side. I know we can do this, we were all in the middle school and elementary track team.

We make it to the doors of the school, but I get harshly yanked back into a wall. Austin and Dragonfly turn around and look at me with fear in their eyes. Before they could run up to get me, I point to the doors.

"GO! MAKE SURE THEY DON'T GET YOU! RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN AND AS FAR AWAY AS YOU CAN!" I shout. They just stand there looking at me practically saying they're not leaving me. A man walks up to me and I stand up. "GO! I'LL BE THERE SOON!" I snap and Austin looks at me, I nod then he picks up Dragonfly and runs out.

Good, one less thing to worry about. The man goes to charge at me, but I move out of the wall, making him hit his head into the wall roughly. He groans and falls to the ground, giving me time to run off.

Once I make it outside, there I see my friends running to Dragonflys car with a man chasing behind them. I run towards the man to jump onto him so he falls on the concrete with me on top of him punching him to death.

"Kai come on!!" Austin screeches and I look up to see the shootings start to happen in the back of the school. When I stand up, I give this guy one huge kick to the gut before jumping into the car and speeding off.

"Where are we going?" Dragonfly shakily asks from the backseat. Once again, we really don't have time to chat, I just wanna get to the house and alert the family that the gang went out of their way for us, and drove to the school for a shooting. That was sorta too far...

As soon as I pull into the driveway, I run out of the car with Austin and Dragonfly following behind then run into the house to a confused family. I guess the idea clicks because they run up to us to check for any injuries...

"Dad we're fine..." I say and they look at me. "That gang is at the school right now doing a shooting. They set off the fire alarm to lure in the people outside so they can target them" I say with a straight face.

"Should've fucking known" dad puts his hands behind his neck then looks at the guys. "Let's get going" he goes to walk out the door but i stop him.

"Let me help you" i sternly say and he pushes me aside then walks out with the guys behind him. "Don't push me!" i shout in anger then kick the door roughly. Stress doesn't go well with anger, as i always say, my mind always takes over my body. I quickly look through the curtains to see them pulling out of the house. "Stay here with my mom, don't answer the door for ANYONE" i point at Dragonfly and Austin. Before they could speak, i run out of the house.

As i run to the school, gun shots are heard. The closer i get, the louder they get and the more they hurt my ears. I suck it up and cower down behind these bushes to the entrance of the school. Dad and the guys are fighting and shooting off the men, so i run in then pull out my gun and join in with them.

Guys try to shoot me, but i run in a zig zag so they can't train and aim at me. Justin aims his gun at me, but instantly lowers it when he sees it's me. I give him a thumbs up before running off to the back where i'm guessing dad is. As i pull up my gun and aim at someone, it gets shot out of my hand.

"Fuck the fuck man?!" i turn to the guy who shot it then he aims at me and pulls the trigger, but i run off before it could hit me. Everyone's screaming and running around chaotic. I run to the side of the building to where nobody can see me so i can look for either dad or the guys.

Who does that?! Like oh hey i'm gonna shoot that guys gun out of his hand. What the actual fuck? Sure, wasn't my favorite gun, but was a damn good one for protection. Amateurs.

A needle suddenly flies into my neck. I hold onto it until my vision gets blurry before it all gets black.

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