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"They fucking got a picture of us!" I growl and run my fingers through my hair stressfully. Dad and the guys got the post deleted, but everyone in the school already saw it so what's the point? Little Bear or Dragonfly doesn't deserve this... now everyone's gonna bother her at school tomorrow. I've been so stressed trying to figure this all out that I haven't ate dinner tonight.

"Baby calm down and please stop yelling..." Dragonfly says softly and I look at her. She's all cuddled up in bed and has her hand placed on her stomach probably because Little Bear's wiggling due to my shouting.

I can't stress her, it's the last thing he needs and I don't want Little Bear to be afraid of my hand. Calm down Kai, it's already night and everyone's sleeping. I sigh and get into bed. Dragonfly rests her head on my chest and gets comfortable so i put my hand on her stomach and take a deep breath.

"I'm sorry, I'm just stressed and pissed about this. And I'm sorry Little Bear" I rub my hand up and down her bump. She wiggles a bit then stops after that, hopefully it was her saying it's okay...

"I know baby, just get some sleep" Dragonfly smiles and kisses my cheek. I look at her and give her a faint smile. "I love you" she closes her eyes then falls asleep.

"I love you too" I kiss her head. "Goodnight Little Bear" I move my thumb in circle patterns. Eventually, my eyes get tired and I finally fall asleep with my family right next to me.


I got no sleep... none. I kept waking up throughout the night and couldn't go back to sleep. The feeling of gangs finding out she's pregnant is killing me... these two deserve so much better... not someone whose causing danger to their lives. I don't deserve these two.

Slowly and quietly, I get out from under Dragonfly and lay down next to Little Bear with my hand on her. "Hey Little Bear" I rest my head on Dragonflys chest. She wiggles around for a second and a smile grows on my face, "I'm trying, I'm trying so hard to make your life as less dangerous than its gonna be, but... it's hard. It's so difficult with me being the fucking talk of the world and people getting in everybody's fucking business" I sigh.

A hand softly rubs my back and I jump up to see Dragonfly's awake. She runs her fingers through my messy hair in attempt to calm me, but I can't. I'm so bloody tired and anxiety's building up in my chest to the feeling of something bad about to happen.

"I have to go somewhere today with my mom, you stay here and get some sleep" she rubs her thumb on my cheek softly. I sit up and shake my head no. "Kai, you're so stressed and you need sleep babe. When I get home we can go baby shopping for Little Bear so you have something to occupy you" she sits up and takes my huge hand in her little one.

"No... I'm not tired" I shake my head in attempt to wake up. "I'm going with you" I clutch her hand and she sighs. People won't come up to her if I'm near, I'm just protecting her privacy. "I can protect you Dragonfly. Nobody's gonna approach you and if they do than it's most likely a gang member in which I'm gonna kill" I say sternly.

"You can't protect me when you can barely sit up because you're so tired" she says softly and puts her other hand on my cheek. "I'm going to be fine, both of us. You're so tired that you don't even know what your saying and you desperately need to sleep. Please? For Little Bear and I?" her eyes so serene and voice so soothing.

I take a deep huff and move my head to Little Bear. "I'll see you later" I kiss her bump and she wiggles. "I won't be with you for a little bit, but Little Bear believe me when I say you'll hear my voice again not long from now" I kiss her once again. She wiggles around, not for just a second, but constantly.

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