Wrong Crowd

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Going to school doesn't sound tempting right now. Well, when is school ever tempting? I throw my backpack over my shoulder and walk out the door to he- I mean school. My thoughts have been overpowering me ever since that night... the image won't leave my mind and it's all I can think about. Stress is all I am right now.

I walk into school and go to my usual spot then look around. Why not meet some new people eh? I mean, Austin won't be back for awhile and Dragonfly is sorta falling for a dumbass guy. What do I have to loose? I walk up to the 'bad' crowd... whose afraid of me?

"K-Kai hey!" they stutter and I roll my eyes. Seriously? You know how everyone school has that one badass group? Well this is the one for this school, not so badass right? But they are pretty good at what they do, I mean they bully, do drugs, illegal things, all that good shit that I'm down for. My worlds crashing down already so why not give it a little push?

"Whatever kind of things you're doing after school, I want in" I lean back on the lockers and look at them sternly with my arms crossed. They look at each other and cockily smirk at each other.

"You came to the right group" the guy in the middle looks at me with a mischievous smile. Just what I need, a little push. "We're gonna be behind Starmills gas station tonight around six" he says and I nod before leaving.

Bad choice. Should've stayed there. Dragonfly runs up to me and hugs me tightly. I can't... I can't keep getting hurt by her even when she doesn't know it. Well, before I take her out of my life completely, might as well have a proper goodbye eh? Fuck it. I wrap my arm around her little body and she nuzzles her head into my chest.

"Why haven't you been answering me?! I saw the poppies you dropped at homecoming and I thought something bad happened to you! All weekend I've been trying to get a hold of you and when you didn't answer, so I continued freaking out" she hugs me tighter.

"Yea. Something bad did happen to me" I say without any expression or tone. She thinks something bad happened physically, little does she know it's mentally and that she caused it. She pulls away and goes to speak, but something cuts her off.

"Hey bitch" a voice comes closer to us. I look up to see the asshole himself running towards us with a smirk, making me jolt up. We're ready to attack each other, but I chose to stay where am I so once he comes at me, I dodge him and he hits his head into the lockers.

He keeps running at me and like in my plan, when he's close to me, I move myself and he slams into the lockers pretty hard. Dragonfly and I laugh our asses off then I pick him up by his collar and hug him as tight as I could.

"What the fuck are you doing here Austin?" I mumble into his shoulder. Yep, my best friend is standing right in front of me two weeks earlier than he's suppose to be. Not that I'm complaining, I fucking love this idiot.

"Dad got off earlier than expected so I decided to surprise you!" he says excitedly and I pull out of the hug. "I missed you so damn much man!" he smiles from ear to ear which makes me smile. I playfully hit the back on his head then put my fist on his head and shake it repeatedly. "Ow ow ow okay okay" he laughs and I throw my arm around his shoulder as I laugh.

"Austin you're back!" Dragonfly smiles brightly then Austin hugs her. "We missed you!" she rubs his back before he pulls out of the hug.

"I missed you too you little acorn!" he laughs and messes up her hair. She groans as she fixes it. Before she could speak, Kendall comes running up from behind her then he picks her up and spins her before putting her back down. She looks... uncomfortable?

"Babe you left us off on a cliffhanger! I was your first kiss and you sorta ruined it by remembering you forgot your sister at home" he laughs and wraps his arms around her. If uneasy was a person, that would be a Dragonfly right now and I don't like seeing her like that at all.

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