Little Bear

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* song goes with chapter :(


"No... you're fucking lying!" I sit up, ignoring the horrible pain. Tears stream down her cheeks and dad looks down at the ground. "NO!" I shout and swing my legs over the bed then go to jump off the bed into her arms.

"KAI NO! YOUR RIB IS BROKEN-" the nurse shouts, but I already fell to ground in pain. She jogs over to me until dad tells her to leave me be. When I find strength to stand up, my arms are immediately wrapped around Dragonflys body. "Do I need to strap him down? I know he had that done quite a few times..." the nurse whispers to dad whose shaking his head no.

I nuzzle my head in the crook of her neck as Dragonfly cries into my bare bloody chest. Little Bear... I don't believe that it's true. No, it can't be because she's an incredibly strong baby. So I pull my head out of her neck and look down at her bump then place my hand on it. "Little Bear..." I softly and quietly say. No movement... "Hey, it's all alright now..." no movement. Tears roll down my cheeks and I grab a vase of flowers that's on a desk then throw it at the ground. "NO!!" I shout and dad pulls me into his chest.

Everyone comes running in the room. I pull out of dads grip and throw the stand that's holding my IVs and everything that's connected me to the ground. Shouting. That's all I can do... shout from the top of my lungs. My body fails to hold itself up so I fall to the ground crying.

"I'm so sorry" Dragonfly hiccups and sits next to me. Little Bear didn't deserve this... not at all. I killed her. If I didn't swerve so hard then we wouldn't have hit that tree and Little Bear would be safe. Just wait until I figure out was in that fucking car. The harder I cry, the more my breathing starts to hurt as it's currently getting just to breathe.

Six months. All the excitement, stress, talking sessions, getting attached, everything... all down the drain. Yea, I was terrified of the idea of being a father, but once she kicked whenever she heard my voice, I fell so in love with my baby that wasn't even born into the world yet.

I'm fucking done getting my hopes up for pathetic shit.


We get home around two a.m. at night so everyone ravaged the kitchen once we walked in the door. "Want some cereal babe?" Dragonfly asks me as she pulls out Froot Loops. I shake my head then sit down at the table with the guys and pull out my phone that reveals my lock screen. It's Dragonfly holding the ultrasound picture up to her stomach and me with my arms wrapped around her from behind.

Everyone eats in silent, except me. I just sat there with my thoughts consuming me. Once Dragonfly gets Little Bear taken out of her, that bump will no longer be there for me to kiss and talk to at night.

"I'm going to sleep" i stand up and everyone says goodnight before i walked upstairs with Dragonfly following behind me. My rib is killlling me. This wrap is tightly around my rib cage, but i'll probably end up taking it off.

Dragonfly lays down then i rest my chest on her chest with my hand on her now useless bump.



My eyes open and once they focus, i realize it's still the middle of the night. I feel this movement on my chest and i look down to see Kai twitching in his sleep. His breathing is heavy as if he's struggling to breathe, plus he's hiccuping. He's never done this before... and i don't know what to do...

"Kai" i shake him a little bit and his breathing gets faster. "Kai!" my heart races in fear. His chest gets higher and higher as he breathes so i wiggle my way out from under his heavy body then get out of bed. "LOCK! ELENA!" i shout and doors swinging open roughly from the other rooms is heard.

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