Misson get you back

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"Answer me Kai!" I shout at my shout as it rings. He's ignoring me completely and it's driving me crazy! Austin won't even talk to me. Should I take the risk and go to this house? I should. I will. I grab my keys and say goodbye to mom before hopping in my car and driving off to the famous Kai Archers house.

Once I pull in I walk out of my car taking deep breaths. I hope they don't think I'm a bad person to Kai... if he even told them anything. I knock on the door and step back, waiting for someone to answer. The door finally opens and there stands Kai's mom standing on the other side of the door with a confused face.

"Hi... is uh Kai home?" I nervously play with my fingers as I hesitantly ask. Boy I hope she doesn't hate me and boy I hope Kai's home.

"Hey Anna" she smiles "He's out with Lock and Austin doing whatever those boys do, but they left an hour ago so they should be home anytime now" she says and my face falls. It's like he knows every move I make and he tries to avoid me as much as he can... doesn't he see I'm trying here?

"Oh o-" I get cut off by footsteps walking up behind me. I turn around to see Kai looking at me with an angry face along with Austin, Lock's just looking at them confused as to why they're looking at me like that. "Kai..." I softly say and slowly take steps towards him.

He takes a huge step back and growls, "Now you come to my house? I told you to fucking leave me alone! Y'know, it's funny, I'm surprised you even remembered me enough to think to come to my house. Ironic eh?" he says the last sentence sarcastically.

"KAI!" his mom and dad shout at him. He doesn't flinch, he just keeps death glaring at me and it really makes me uneasy... it's like I'm his prey he's ready to eat.

I tear up, but try my best to cover it up. "I know I hurt you" I pause as I hold back my tears "and I'm so sorry. What I did was wrong and twisted because you're right, I have changed and I'm trying my absolute hardest to show you I'm the same old Anna" the tears roll down. I don't know why I'm crying. Nothing feels right.

"Bullshit" he walks past me rudely with Austin mean mugging me as he follows him. His mom storms in the house, following them. I look at them as they walk inside then look at the ground while running my fingers through my hair.

"I'm sorry Anna, he can be a real asshole sometimes" Lock says and I look up at the scary guy. Is it weird to say his dad's fucking hot?

"No it's fine, I'll be on my way" I smile and he nods. I get into my car and drive home. That went well.


A week.

He's been ignoring completely the whole week! I know he hears me talking to him, but he's choosing to be immature and give me the famous child silent treatment. Austin won't talk to me either and I feel so so so horrible for missing that event.

"Stop stressing" Kendall's voice snaps me out of my thoughts. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into his chest. I wrap my arms around him and boy being in his arms really calms me from this whole thing. "Come on, let's go get some ice cream to get all of this off your mind" he pulls off and I nod.

We get in his car and drive off to the ice cream place. He got cookie dough and I got my usual, vanilla then we sat down and ate it.

"Ha ha fuck you both. It wasn't even that funny" Kai pouts and groans, which makes Austin and I laugh harder. I pull out my phone and take a picture of all three of us, Kai in the middle with a pouty face with Austin and I on the side laughing.

I turn on my phone to see that picture as my lock screen. I really miss them... don't think Anna don't think. Kendall bought me out here to get my mind off this, not to be filled with more flashbacks of our friendship.

"So homecoming's coming up" I'm snapping out of my thoughts by Kendall talking. I look up at him and smile.

"Yea" I say softly and eat my ice cream. He takes my free take and holds it, I look at him and slightly smile while he smiles at me.

"Would you be my date?" he asks in a cute tone and I grip onto his hand as well. Man this boy is so sweet, he really knows how to cheer someone up without even doing much. Like when he took my hand just now, all my attention was on my loving boyfriend. And even though he doesn't like Kai and Austin, he's still so supportive about our friendship and this drama.

"I'd love to!" I smile and laugh. He kisses my hand then smiles ear to ear. "Don't expect toooo much out of me, I'm not a good dancer" he chuckled at my last sentence. Damn his laugh is perfect.

"As long as you're there with me, there's nothing more I expect" he smiles and my cheeks burn up red. He's a smooth talker eh? Yea, he sorta rocks my world so y'know he's a keeper for me!

We continue talking about the dance then just other things that happened in our life. He's so amazing at everything he does, just seeing him for three seconds can make my entire day. I really really really like this boy.

The rest of the day was pretty amazing, he took me to a movie then dropped me off before leaving. Anyways, back to stressing about Kai and Austin. I go on safari to search up upcoming boxing events then click on a few entries, but no Kai. I tap one that's in huge letters and scan through all the entries.

Kai Archer vs. Stephen Laxire

I found you Kai. I check the date and address to see the fight is tomorrow at six o'clock, but the drive there is an hour so I'd have to leave around four thirty ish. Awesome. I screenshot the page and put the address in my google maps so it's all ready for tomorrow. I read all the information and apparently this is a pretty huge fight since it's the championships. I know me going to this fight won't fix this whole problem, but hopefully he makes him happy I went.

I really hope he doesn't scream at me for coming, but I'm gonna continue to go to every single one of his matches, even if he hates me, I'm going. I'm so proud of him for getting into the championships, so proud. But he won't let me talk to him long enough to tell him that, which I understand.

I'm gonna be there cheering him on loudly and supporting him. He deserves that so much, at least from me. It's crazy how a dangerous killer can do this to you, make you go out of your way to make him happy by driving on the interstate for an hour alone. Crazy.

I check the time to see its twelve twenty five. Probably should get sleep eh? I put on my pajamas then brush my teeth and get cozy in my comfortable bed. I'm coming to see you tomorrow Kai Archer.

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