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"Please don't cry, come on you're big and strong" I try to hold Silas up as the nurse patiently waits to give him his shot. He grips onto my shirt and hides his face from the open. I put my hand on his back and sigh as I try to think of something. An idea comes to mind and I sit him down on Dragonflys lap. "Here sit with mommy" I walk behind the nurse so Silas is looking at me.

The nurse slowly walks up to him and I try to keep him distracted by talking to him as the nurse quickly injects the shot in his arm then puts a band aid on it. He continues to laugh at me then I pick him up and continuously kiss his face. "You did amazing lil' man!" Dragonfly kisses his head. "So did you" she puts her hand on my arm and smiles.

It took Dragonfly forever to convince me to get Silas's shots. I know he needs them, but I hated seeing that. He's two months old already so it was his first dose of shots that he did great on... it's just me personally I don't like watching it being done to him. Coming from someone's whose been tranquilized, injected with shit, and worse. Because I was born into all of this, I guess I see everything as a threat.

"Good job Silas!" the nurse walks up to him and I clench my jaw. "Want a sticker?" she smiles and holds up a basket full of stickers. Silas smiles and scavengers around for the one he wants and when he does, he tries his hardest to pick it up, in which he fails to do. He looks at me with big sad, making the nurse, Dragonfly and I to laugh.

I grab the sticker for him and hold it up. He smiles and attempts to take it, but he still doesn't quite get it so I put him on my knee as I take the sticker off the back and place it onto his onesie. "There you go champ!" I pat his chest and pull down his sleeve from when he got the shot. He coughs then sneezes. I slightly tilt my head and pull him into my chest "Are you okay?"

"I'll check him out" the nurse says with concern then I give her Silas and she begins to do her... doctor stuff. I continue standing with my hands on my neck as I stressfully continue to shift my weight side to side. A hand touches my back and I look over my shoulder to see Dragonfly.

She turns me around and pulls me towards her to sit down. I eventually crack and slump down in a chair. "Babe he's gonna be fine, stop worrying" she kisses my cheek and holds my hand. The nurse goes to give me back Silas, but I don't hesitate to stand up and grab him first.

"He has a cold, but that's totally normal especially since the weather is getting cold so I recommend just keeping him inside and I'll prescribe him some liquid medication" the nurse says and we both nod.

We finish doing everything we needed to do then leave. Silas slept the whole ride home, classic. I love it though honestly, when I'm at a red light I can look in the rear mirror and see him peacefully sleeping without a care in the world. Dragonfly even fell asleep. It's funny how a dorky girl like her changed me... well... calms me.

I pull into the driveway and Dragonfly wakes up. She gets Silas then we walk into the house and she puts him down to sleep while I make a bowl of Frosted Flakes. "Cereal obsessed kid" dad walks up to me and I nod as I eat. "How'd Silas do?" he asks.

"Good, I just hate seeing it being done to him" I say before putting another spoonful in my mouth. I swallow what I have then realize, "Oh! He also has a cold, it's just a good day for Silas right?"

"Well damn, didn't expect that" he raises an eyebrow and I nod in agreement. "I'm sure he'll be fine tomorrow, don't sweat it kiddo" he pats my back and walks off. I continue eating my cereal then Dragonfly walks in and takes out the ice cream.

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