Oh Kidnapped Feelings

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How. How can a day go from so exciting to so horrible so fast? Scar in my heart I guess. I don't think it would ever fade in my lifetime. Let's go back to the morning, the calm before the storm part.


It's been two months. Talk about a time jump frame eh? Austin has been texting every single day as if he's still here, but i'm not use to him not being with me everyday. Dragonfly and I have grown closer... so has this thing in my stomach i get when i see her? I can't describe it. I'm happy when i'm with her? I'm actually... somewhat, tamed? When she smiles I just wanna... i don't know... let's just say all those things are stronger than ever, especially the feeling in my stomach. We've been hanging out A LOT, literally almost everyday after school and on the weekends when she isn't with pretty boy.

I've been so caught up in my school work and boxing that i haven't had time to breathe, it's that time into the school year when things start to get bloody stressful to the point where you get no sleep whatsoever. I'm rarely ever home because as soon as i come home from school, i have to either leave for boxing tournaments or crazy amount of homework i work on with Dragonfly at her house. 

Dad won't even let me go on another gang fight or any fight in general with them because of obvious reasons, but i'm not some four year old boy he can cage up in his house until they're ready to live off on their own at like sixty. I guess maybe it's one less stressful thing though considering all this stuff already is giving me anxiety attacks.

Homecoming is tomorrow... wooo. Dragonfly finally convinced me two weeks ago to go... for her. It's Thursday after school now and i have to fucking shop for a suit and tie today with mom since dad or my uncles, like me, doesn't do this kind of shit.

"Archer baby!" I hear my mom shout from downstairs. Ughhh. I groan and get out of my studies then amble down the stairs to my ever so lovely mom. Archer baby is a nickname she called me when i was little, guess she's getting back into the habit of it again, which i don't mind, i mean she's my mother after all. "Oh don't be a teenager" she laughs and grabs her keys.

"Let's get this over with" i walk to the front door. We walk out the house then into the car and off suit and tie shopping we go. Fun.


"That looks good on you Kai!" mom says in awe and takes a picture. I adjust the tie then look at it in the mirror. Doesn't look too bad... i mean, i could deal with wearing this since the other four i tried on are sooooo not me.

"Guess this is the one" i shrug and mom happily jumps in excitement. "Ok ok i'm gonna change back into my clothes and we can go" i chuckle then shut the dressing room door.

I change back into my clothes and walk out with the suit and tie hanging off my shoulder. After paying for it, we go home and mom puts it in her room since i can't be bothered to put it in my room. I don't even know why i'm going honestly, i mean Dragonflys gonna be with pretty boy for the whole dance and Austins off doing whatever in Hawaii. But she wanted me to go... for her...

My phone dings and I check to see its from Dragonfly so I immediately tap on view to see a horrific message.

"Kai please come over... there's this man outside my window and he's just standing there. Please Kai, I'm seriously on the urge of crying"

With that, I don't hesitant to grab my keys and jump into my car with an extremely cold seat from me not being in it for awhile, but I remain to speed to her house. When I reach her neighborhood, a black van drives out and my first instinct is to of course follow it. I don't know what to do honestly. I need dad in these types of situations, but I wasn't waiting on him.

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