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It's been two days since I got my car taken away from me, so mom's been driving me and Austin to school. But today I decided to walk, I mean the school's only two minutes away so why not? This whole time i've been walking, i feel so much like i'm being watched, but every time i turn around to see if someone's behind me, nobody.

I push that thought to the side when i walk up to the building and into the school. Dragonfly and Austin run up to me with happy faces as they jump all around me, Dragonfly even hops onto my back. I hold onto her legs and look at them in confusion.

"Thank fuck you're here, it was boringgg" Dragonfly chuckles and i pretend like i'm gonna drop her, she tightens her grip around me then i laugh. "You're no fun" she growls and Austin laughs. We walk to our normal spot, the end of the hallway where nobody is, Dragonfly still on my back.

"Have you been having this weird feeling of being watched?" Austin asks and my eyes widen. He feels like he's being watched do? I feel Dragonfly loosen her grip on me and i look up to see the same face i have on hers.

"Yes... but i haven't thought much of it" she says with worry in her voice. I gently let her down and look at them. She's feeling watched too... so it's not just me.

"Yea, especially when i walked to school this morning, but nobody was around" i have seriousness in my voice and my face loosens up. I need to tell dad immediately, someone could be after us and they could be in this school.

Their faces also fall. I can't let them feel threatened, i'm sure hearing it from me makes them more worried and i can't have them worried, it'll only make things worse than it probably already is.

"Guys stop being so dramatic, it's nothing. Hey" i start the last sentence cockily "you have the worlds dangerous killers son on your side, you have nothing to worry about" i smirk.

"Whatever" they say in union as they laugh. That's all I need to do, distract them until we figure out what's up. Shit! I have my fight in one day, I haven't told Dragonfly I'm a boxer and I do want her to come watch. Well, it's now or never Kai.

"Hey uh.. Dragonfly" I beat around the bush and she looks at me with raised eyes brows saying yea? "I have my boxing match Saturday, do you wanna come watch? You'd have Austin to talk to" I say. Her face is full of shock, which I expected.

"You're a boxer?!" she says with amazement. I nod and lean against a locker. "Oh my gosh! Yes! I'd love to watch you!" she smiles. Damnit I love her smile and when she's happy. But Kendall gives her the same smile too eh? I'm nothing special, but I just love that I can make her smile.

The bells rings and we walk off to class, splitting up with Austin though.

Nothing really to say much about that class, Dragonfly and I just talked about my boxing career and other fun shit once we turned in our work. I love how she's curious about my fighting life and how she wants to get to know me. Though we already know a lot about each other ever since the first time she came to my house for that project. She's a good... friend... she makes sure I don't get in trouble and all that shit. Oh yea I'm also walking her home after school today.

Day went on as normal, we all three had lunch together, classes still boring as hell, anyway we're now in our last class. Austin and I walk in together then separate once we go to sit down. Dragonfly and pretty boy walk in together while laughing and smiling ear to ear.

Don't. Get. Mad.

We all know how that ended. I got my fucking car taken away from me for who knows how long. I groan and start my work, which is eight pages long, yay me. Concentrated and so engaged in my work, I finish off four pages. Then two and finished in forty minutes! I turn it all in then pull out my phone and open it to my lock screen being my family, Austin and I from the fight a few weeks back and my home screen me and Austin as kids laughing our asses off. I plug in my headphones and put one in one ear as I watch a couple boxing matches from the place I'm fighting at this weekend.

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