Three Empty Words

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I love her.

I finally said it.

And I can't keep it in much longer because pretty boy's fast at making his moves, I mean hell he might even propose at homecoming. I can't move on knowing she's either the wrong guy. He's with the wrong girl.

She's gonna know the night of homecoming... if I can ever get her away from pretty boy. Till then, i know she doesn't wanna talk to me, so I need to just keep my distance until she's comfortable with me being around her.... damn I don't want her to be uncomfortable around me. Fuck it. I know her smile and her presence is just gonna lure me to her.

Ok, I'm just gonna clean up these plates.


As soon as I walk into school, everyone's hanging off their significant others arms and honestly it's disgusting. If it's not that, then it's the guys asking someone to go to homecoming with them. I just continue to walk to the spot where I always stand, looks like I'm solo today in everything.

Just my luck.

Pretty boy and Dragonfly are standing a foot away from where I stand. Just great. I pull it my phone and start texting Austin until I see Dragonfly looking at me from the corner of my eye. I look up at her with a dim look and she studies it before mouthing the words hi, but I just turn back around to my phone.

It's obvious she noticed my appearance, I mean my hairs all messily off to the side, my eyes are about red from the exhaustion and stress, but I still managed to dress the same. The usual tight shirt and jeans along with the cologne I always wear.

"Kai" I'm snapped out of my thoughts and look up to see a girl with red hair looking into my eyes. I roll my eyes, put my phone in my pocket then cross my arms in annoyance. I already know what she's gonna ask. "I know you don't like the girls in this school" she pauses. Yea she's right about that, I love a specific girl in this school. "But I was wondering if you'd like to go to homecoming together?" she asks softly and doesn't flutter her eyes like all the girls do.

"Listen. You seem more put together than every girl here, but I'm gonna say no to that offer" I say casually as I lean back into the lockers. She gives me a sad smile along with a little nod before waving goodbye and leaving. "Fucking idiots" I say under my breath and kick the locker behind me.

"Are you okay?" Dragonflys voice lingers through my whole world. I turn to her and nod before kicking off the locker and walking off to first period since the bell's about to ring any second now.

I was right, the bell rang as soon as I reached the class and sat down. People walked in groaning while they sit down until they look at the board, which looks like hope grows on their faces. I look up at to see the board saying Boys go on left of room and girls go on right! Homecoming activity today!:) Everyone gets up and goes to their side, but me, I stay in my seat then push myself off to the back so I don't have to participate.

"Kai, you don't wanna play the activities?" the teacher looks at me with a calm confused face then the class looks at me. Seriously, what the fuck? I hate when people look at me, especially when it's everyone.

"No. I'm just gonna chill back here" I lean back in my chair and cross my arms over my chest. She gives me a faint nod before explaining the instructions. The first one is about a "fun" worksheet over homecoming then a game where you play out a dramatic dance scene. The teacher passes out the papers and I put my head down on the desk with my hands over my head.

I was so exhausted that I slept the last ten minutes of the class period. What woke me up was the bell and sounds of everyone running out of the classroom so I stand up and amble down to my next class. I'm still so tired holy fuck, I literally got no sleep last night.

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