Goodbye my friend.

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He's buried. My best friend is gone. How will I cope without him? he's been with me ever since I was a child and since Kai was a baby. He made a huge impact on our lives, now he's gone. Tears start to roll down my cheeks and I start to breakdown crying. A huge pair of arms swing me around then wrap around me tightly.

"Lock he's gone" I sob into his chest as I hold onto his shirt. He runs my back and kisses the crown of my head.

"He's always with us Butterfly" he says in a sad timid voice, he's crying too. He may not have wanted to admit it, but he treated Maximus a king, he loved him so much... I'll never forget the first time they met, it was when the guys kidnapped me, Maximus was just doing his job protecting me and went at Lock, making him need stitches.

He charges at them and latches onto the tall guy with the red jacket as he bites the living shit out of him. Maximus and I took those dog training defense class things and it's coming to use... BUT NOT WHEN THEY'RE KILLERS!! The other guys stay back and try to get my dog off him...

And when they took us, Lock hated Max with a passion. Little did he know years from then he'd be crying at his gravestone.

"Cute dog!" the guy on the other side next to me says.

"Fucker attacked the shit out of me" red hoodie says.

"He's trained to" I tell him annoyingly.

"Well he's an asshole" hoodie says.

I look over to Kai and Austin to see them hugging each other as they cry. Maximus has been apart of Austins life since he was four, the first time they met he was absolutely in love with Max. I will forever be thankful for Max always being there for me and my boys.

Kai and his friend walk into the house to be greeted by Maximus jumping up on them. His friend chuckles and starts to pet him.

"You're adorable! I've always wanted a dog!!" his friend laughs as Maximus licks his face.

"That's Maxy! He's my best friend" Kai smiles then pets Maximus whose loving all the attention the kids are giving him. I was worried his friend wouldn't like Maximus since most kids are afraid of big dogs, but look at them! They clicked just like that.

"Kai? Austin?" Lock snaps me out of my thoughts. He looks at the kids with red swollen eyes, they look at him, returning the crying eyes. "Are you boys doing okay?" he asks in his sad tone. They give a sad nod and then he look at the guys "Doing okay guys?" they nod.

That's something I love about this boy, he puts everyone's emotions before his no matter how sad he is, he wants to make sure everyone's okay before he can tell if he's okay, but I can't let him, not this time

"Are you okay?" I look up to him and he looks down at me, so much sorrow in his eyes that it breaks my heart. I passionately kiss him to assure that we're gonna be okay... all of us.


Well, there he goes. He's in the ground now... nothing I can do. We lost a team member, a best friend, a leader, my first friend... I start to break down crying. Austin brings me into a huge bear hug as he also cries, he loved Maximus just as much as we all did. We cry into each other's shoulder until dads voice breaks us apart.

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