Gender Reveal and Movement

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I wake up to Dragonfly laying on my chest and her hands on her now small visible baby bump. "Daddy's awake!" she says in a soft tone while looking at her stomach. I kiss her head and wrap my arm around her.

Today's the day. Dragonfly's now into her second week of three months being pregnant... meaning, today we figure out the gender! She's been so excited to pick out names and start baby shopping after the doctor announces the gender. Fuck, and her hormones have been skyrocket mean. One day she wants me to cuddle her and the next she wants me as far away as possible from her?

I've been overwhelmed with all of it, but because today i find out if Little Bear's a girl or boy, I've been calm. She looks up at me with a huge smile telling me that she's excited to figure out what our baby is. I return the smile and she sits up then gets off the bed, as do I.

"Let's take a shower" she grabs two towels from my drawer and I nod as I walk into my bathroom to turn on the shower. "Warm pleasseee" she begs and I groan as I turn the handle to warm. I love cold showers so usually we always argue over temperature.

After the shower we get dressed, eat breakfast, brush our teeth, put on cologne and dry off my tangly hair. "I wanna cut all this hair holy fuck" I run my fingers through it and Drsgonfly looks at me like I'm crazy.

"What? No! I love your messy hair" she ruffles it and I shake my head like a dog, trying to get off all the water at the ends of my hair. "You get on my nerves" she looks back into the mirror and I look at her in confusion with my head slightly tilted.

See what I mean?

"I- okay" I sigh knowing I'm not gonna win this one. I'll just stick to winning at sports because with this girl, I'm never winning. "You look beautiful today" I wrap my arms around her from behind and place my hands over her stomach.

She looks at me through the mirror, "Get off me, I'm hot as it is" she complains and I groan as I get off her. She's seriously gonna drive me up a wall. I walk out of the bathroom and put on my shoes then my black hoodie over my head. "You're not wearing that..." she looks at me like I'm being serious.

I go to snap, but I know deep down she doesn't mean it so I just take a deep breath. I walk up to her and kiss her cheek. "I love you" I pull back and look her little smile. She sighs and plays with her fingers.

"I'm sorry I've been a pain in the ass, I'm nervous and happy at the same time that I've just been taking it out on you, I'm really sorry. I love you" she pecks my lips and I nod with a little smile. Man I love this girl with all my fucking life.

"Kai! Anna!" mom shouts from downstairs so we walk down the stairs to see Dragonflys mom whose holding Kaitlyn and Josh standing next to her at the end of the stairs with a huge smile. Dragonflys face lights up with a smile then Josh runs up to her and hugs her.

Kaitlyn cries and puts her hands out for me. Annas mom looks at me and I politely shake my head no. I still don't like kids and I know I need to get use to them since mines coming, but I just can't find myself to do it.

"Ready to go guys?" mom looks at us and we both nod. "Lock! The other four fucktards!" she hollers and they all come running in with Ace at their feet. Oh yea, dad and I still haven't been spending time with each other, but I guess that chance is over... I need to be with my girlfriend.


The nurse places blue gel onto Dragonflys stomach and I hold onto her hand as I stand next to her. She then pulls up the ultrasound of my Little Bear which makes my heart beat extremely fast. This, this is my baby... my other half. I'm the other half of Little Bear and it scares me.... it really terrifies me. She takes a picture of the small little baby on the screen then looks at us.

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