Chapter 6: Present Time

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(Finally, the flashback part now is done. Yay. It took me five chapters to finish it. Anyways, Let's proceed to the story.)

4 years now have been passed since Ash training. All of his pokemon including the legendaries become more powerful than ever. His other pokemon now evolved into their last stage. Charmeleon to Charizard, Wartortle to Blastoise, Ivysaur to Venusaur, Pidgeotto to Pidgeot, and Haunter to Gengar. The only pokemon of Ash did not evolve is Pikachu and Gyarados. Also all of them has learned many moves due to training. Now he is currently recalling his legendaries to his nanodex and Pikachu hopped into his shoulder and Ash ask him how his training.

Ash - "How was your training, buddy?"

Pikachu - "Wait, you can understand me? How?" he said with curiosity.

Ash - "Yes buddy. You see while you and the others are training, Mother teleported me to her place which is called the Hall Of Origins and gave me this gift which is called 'Aura' and the legendaries as well."

Pikachu - "Oh, that's why. Wait, is Arceus your Mother now?"

Ash - "Yes Pikachu."

With that being said, Ash explains to Pikachu on how Arceus became Ash's mother.

Pikachu - "Ahh, so that's why. Now I understand. She will become our Mother instead when your mother, Delia died."

Ash - "Correct. Now, are you ready to take revenge on Team Rocket and gain justice to my mom?"

Pikachu - "Oh hell yeah!, Bring it on!" he said excitedly while his cheeks are sparkling.

Ash - "Great! That's the spirit! Let's go!" he said while packing himself and ready to go.

Suddenly, his nanodex glow and Arceus pop out and said,

Arceus - "Son wait, before you go, I have something to tell you."

Ash - "What is it, Mother?"

Arceus - "I will go back to my home and I am going to monitor it and watch over you so that I know where you are going and what you are doing. Oh and by the way, good luck to your journey, avenge the death of your mother and be sure to be careful as always."

Ash - "Oh, okay I understand. Thanks, I will and I will make sure that I will seek justice to my mother."

With that, Arceus teleported to his home and Ash said to himself,

Ash - "I swear, I am going to kill the one who ordered them to kill my mother." he said while clenching his fist and anger flow through his heart, mind and soul.

Pikachu sees this and calmed him down in which it did have an effect and Ash said,

Ash - "Thanks, Pikachu. You've always been there for me whenever I feel depressed." he said while smiling to his loyal partner.

Pikachu - "No problem. Come on, let's go and destroy them."

Ash - "Right."

With that, He went down to the mountain and started walking to north.

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