Chapter 15: New Rival

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Note: (Ash is still in Pewter City though.)

While on their way to Cerulean Gym, Ash decided to eat for a while. After eating, he proceed to a shop where it sells food. He went inside and buy some food. After he place his food on his backpack. A certain trainer asked him and said,

Trainer - "Hey you! I want a pokèmon battle! I'm here again to challenge a trainer like you!"

While hearing this, Ash angered but he didn't show it instead he simply replied,

Ash - "Fine. If that's what you want." he said eagerly.

Trainer - "Deal, 2v2 will be fine."

With that, they went to opposite direction and relased their pokèmon.

Trainer - "Go, Raichu!"

Raichu appeared in front of his trainer.

Ash - "Go, Pikachu!"

Pikachu jumped out of Ash's shoulder, getting ready to battle.

Ash - "You may do the first move."

Trainer - "Thanks, Raichu, Tackle attack!"

Raichu suddenly charging towards to Pikachu attempting to attack him.

Ash - "Quick! dodge it then use quick attack with 5% of your power."

Pikachu dodged the attack, making him leap very high, while on the air he suddenly and he glowed white and dashes to Raichu dealing minimal damage. (Raichu's hp 98%.)

Trainer - "Use thunderbolt!"

Raichu suddenly glowed yellow and unleashes a powerful thunderbolt but not as powerful as Pikachu's.

Ash - "Take it!"

Pikachu just stood there taking the hit. Due to its special ability, Absorb. he didn't receive any damage rather his special attack increases.

Trainer - "How did you do that?"

Ash - "He has a special ability called Absorb where he abosrbs the electric attacks to heal himself or to increase his special attack."

Ash - "Now be ready. Use your own thunderbolt Pikachu! Only with 40% of your power."

Pikachu rages then unleashes a very powerful thunderbolt. So powerful that it needs 2 legendary pokèmon need to combine their power to withstand it.

Trainer - "Oh no! Dodge it!"

Raichu did dodge it but the impact of the attack makes him flew in the air and falls on the ground very hard. But he can stand up with a very low hp. (Raichu's hp 7%)

Trainer - "I-I I can't battle anymore. I forfeit!" he said sadly because he don't want to watch his pokèmon hurt badly.

Ash feels this and he understand why he foreited on their battle.

Ash - "Okay, Pikachu return!"

Pikachu went back to Ash's shoulder and Ash walks upon the trainer and said,

Ash - "Looks loke your Raichu is bad shape. You need to get him to the pokèmon center."

Trainer - "Right, come on let's go Raichu."

The trainer carry his Raichu but he can't due to being a heavy pokèmon.

Ash - "Let me help you."

Trainer - "Thanks."

They both carry Raichu and went to pokèmon center just a few meters. Few minutes has passed, they reached the pokèmon center. Immediately, Nurse Joy saw Raichu which is badly injured. She called Chansey to bring her a stretcher and they placed Raichu on it. Luckily, the stretcher is durable enough to hold Raichu. With that they proceed to ER.

While Nurse Joy and her Chansey curing the trainer's Raichu. Ash and the trainer was outside of the ER. While waiting, the Trainer asked,

Trainer - "How did your Pikachu release a powerful thunderbolt like that?" he said with full of curiosity.

Ash - "Simple, training. But our training is very unique compared to others."

He now explains how he train his pokèmon to the trainer. While hearing this, the trainer was amazed and all he can say is WOW.

Ash - "Yeah, I know. Pretty unique, huh?"

While they were chatting on some other stuffs, the Syrings sign above the door of the ER. Nurse Joy came out with Raichu and her Chansey.

Nurse Joy - "Your Raichu will be just fine. He just need to rest for a few days and then you can use him again to battle." she sais to the trainer with a smile on her face.

The trainer sighed in relief and said,

Trainer - "Thanks, Nurse Joy."

Nurse Joy - "Anytime. Now if you'll excuse me, I have somthing to do."

Trainer - "Okay, Bye Nurse Joy and thanks again." he said while waving his hand and a smile on his face.

Ash - "That's good news."

Trainer - "Thanks. I must go now, bye."

Before he leaves, Ash said to him,

Ash - "Wait, I didn't even know your name."

Mark - "Mark is the name. See you in the league. Also what is your name by the way."

Ash - "It's Ash. I'll expect that. Farewell."

Mark - "Bye."

With that, they leave the pokèmon center and went their separate ways. Upon leaving of Mark, Ash said,

Ash - "Well Pikachu, We have a rival from now on."

Pikachu - "Pika. (Yeah.)" he said while smiling.

And the journey continues!

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