Chapter 8: Justice Will Be Served

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After Ash eliminated the two grunts guarding the main entrance, He barges in and said while yelling,


Giovanni - "Go ahead. Kill me if you want to, Men, get him."

12 grunts appeared in front of him and aim to Ash the rifles and started shooting, While they are shooting, Ash himself impressively dodged them all without getting hit. The grunts stood there, shocked because they can't believe that a fourteen year old child can manage to dodge the bullets even they think it is impossible to dodge a bullet. Ash uses his Aura powers to make a sword in his right hand, while dashing towards them, they continued shooting him but Ash uses his sword to deflect the bullets and as reaches them, he stabbed them one by one while dodging and deflecting the bullets. After 5 of fighting, he manage to kill them all. Giovanni was also surprised and terrified and said,

Giovanni - "H-h-h-ow?"

Ash - "Through training, now prepare to die!!"

With that being said, Ash uses his aura powers to make himself invisible. Before Giovanni pulled out his desert eagle, he was stabbed by Ash at the back, piercing through his heart and said,

Ash - "Justice is served." he said while pulling his right hand and making himself visible again while staring on Giovanni's lifeless body.

Ash - "Let's get out of here."

Without wasting time, he get out on the headquarters and released his Almighty Charizard and ordered him,

Ash - "Destroy this place with your Blast Burn attack."

Charizard - "Right away, Master."

Charizard glowed red and orange and stored up his power to his right hand and punches the ground, upon punching the ground, it leaves cracks and after reaching the headquarters, It explodes. It's explosion is so powerful that the  whole headquarters was only piece of rubbles that was left. He ordered again his Almighty Charizard by saying,

Ash - "Burn the rubbles with your Flamethrower. I don't want to see any pieces will be left and also use only 5% of your power" he said calmly.

Charizard roared in agreement and unleashes a Flamethrower having a power of only 4%.

Note: (If Charizard unleashes a full power flamethrower, then it might burn the whole forest and Ash doesn't want destruction. And imagine the forest is so big that 2 large buildings can fit in that place. So yeah, I made Charizard's Flamethrower only 4% of its power and don't forget that all the corpse including Giovanni's in the headquarters are also burned with no traces left.)

After the destruction of Team Rocket's Headquarters, Ash returned his Charizard while saying thanks and was very relieved and happy that Team Rocket will no longer exist and he gain justice for his mother.

After that, he rested on a tree for a while. After 10 - 15 minutes of resting and eating, he is now set his journey to his first gym battle and for his first gym badge.

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