Chapter 47: The Pride has fallen

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Perseus then started to dash to Lucifide at full speed while his fists are glowing fiery red, signifying that he will attack Lucifide with Divine Fire Punch.

Perseus - Take this!

Lucifide then bend over and he successfully dodged the first punch and teleported behind Perseus to dodge the second punch.

Perseus - What the?! He said surprised.

Behind him is Lucifide charging up a black energy sphere from his hands and fire it at Perseus at point blank range that it landed a direct hit. An explosion occured and smoke appeared.

Lucifide then back away from the smoke to see if he landed a decent damage to his opponent.

When the smoke is gone, Perseus is emanating his aura that it protects him to receive damage, meaning even if Lucifide landed a direct hit, the damage was negated by 90%. (Perseus hp 99.90%)

Perseus - To think that you can attack from behind is pretty clever. But that will not work me on twice!

He then to dashed at inhuman speed to Lucifide and punched him in the gut while his fist is glowing bluish-white, causing Lucifide to spit some saliva and grunted in pain as he received the super effective attack. The attack that Perseus is God Punch, a damaging holy -type move and Lucifide element are Fire, Dark and Unholy. That's why it is more effective to the demon like him.

Lucifide hold his gut and back away to lessen the damage. (Lucifide's hp 93%)

Perseus - I see. So my attack was effective to Demons like you, huh? Alright, I'm gonna use that attack every once in a while. He said to himself.

Lucifide then roared as he rushed to Perseus and landed a series of punches and kicks while Perseus is there, blocking those attacks with ease.

While fighting,

Perseus - Your persistent, aren't you? Demon of the Pride?

Lucifide - How did you know my title?

Perseus - I dunno, Lucky guess, and I can say to your name because it is the combination of Lucifer and Pride so it's easy for me to know what is your name and title as well.

Lucifide - Tsk.

Lucifide then punched hard Perseus while blocking himself with his arms enough to knock him back far away. Later, he rushed to Perseus and the fight continues with a series of punching and blocking while teleporting every where that leaves explosive shockwaves every punch.

After a few minutes, They soon back away to each other, panting heavily and with some bruises and wounds around on their body. (Perseus' hp 90%) (Lucifide's hp 87%)

Perseus - You know what, this is getting annoying. I'm gonna end this battle with one shot. He said a bit annoyed and impatiently.

Perseus then screamed and started to charge up to his maximum power. While charging, The earth is shaking like there is a 4.0 magnitude earthquake. Also he emanates an large aura that corresponds to his fur color. He then performed the Final Flash stance. While doing that, a bluish-white sphere suddenly appeared between in his hands.

Lucifide also roared like crazy as he emanates black and red aura as he opened his mouth and he formed a
fiery red energy sphere. He then started to charge up as well and the energy sphere is growing larger every second.

1 minute later, their attacks are now at full-power state and both if them shines brightly, signifying that it is ready to launch at anytime.

Perseus - Here I come, Lucifide! Ray of Absolution!

Lucifide - Kurete............... OWARIDAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!
He screamed like crazy.

(Anyone got the reference?? XD)

Both of them launched the attack with all of their might and later a godly collision occurred in the air.

While the collision is occurring, The Demons including Azazel, Ash and Arceus is watching the intense battle intently and Arceus said,

Arceus - They both possess unimaginable power if I should say.

Ash - Yeah. That form of Perseus was also the aftermath of our training. It is 40x stronger than his base form.

Back to collision,

The giant sphere at the center grew bigger and bigger as they put more power to it. After a minute of clashing, the giant sphere soon reaches its limit and it began to explode very violently. Perseus and Lucifide was knocked back by the explosion, also dealing massive damage to them. They screamed as they being knocked back and both of them fell to the ground. When they fell, Perseus managed to stand barely while Lucifide is laying down on the ground.

Perseus then walked slowly to the Demon and it shows that Lucifide fainted because of the swirl on his eyes. Perseus smiled then he grabbed the pokéball that Kyle gave to him. He then throw it to Lucifide was sucked inside. The pokéball began to shake once and surprisingly, Lucifide was captured as it made a 'ding' sound, signifying that he successfully caught him.

Perseus then took the ball and he said,

Perseus - Finally, the pride has been fallen and humility will arise.

Arceus was surprised and she said,

Arceus - So, it IS effective against them. Say, who created that kind of pokéball?

Kyle - Me, my Lord.

Arceus - I'm impressed on what you did there, Kyle and please no more for formalities. You can just call me Arceus instead.

Kyle smiled and said,

Kyle - As you wish, Arceus.

The Minions left completely shocked as one of their comrades is defeated and captured just like that. They burst in anger and hate as those two categories are the key factors for them to go stronger. Then they started to rushed to the Deities at full speed in which the Deities are prepared as they made their battle stances.

Ash - Well, it looks like they will all attack at once. Get ready everyone as the battle will tense up.

Arceus / Kyle / Perseus - Right.

They also dashed to the Demons, ending this chapter with a cliffhanger.

To be continued...

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