Season 2, Chapter 10: Perseus's first victory

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Setting: In the Indigo Plateau

Referee - Wrathan vs. Suicune, begin the fourth round!

Perseus - Full Power Hydro Pump, Suicune!

Ash - Already? Wrathan, counter it with Dark Pulse!

Suicune opened his mouth and he releases a a very thick and powerful stream of water towards to Wrathan,

In response on Suicune's attack, Wrathan opened his pincers and unleash a beam of purple circles at Suicune. 

The two attacks collided resulting into a beam struggle however, Suicune's attack quickly overpowered Wrathan's attack and the stream of water is heading to him at full speed.

Ash - Oh crap, watch out!

Wrathan successfully dodged the attack by flying above the sky.

Ash - Now use Twister!

Wrathan creates a tornado by flapping its wings. The powerful tornado is heading to Suicune.

Perseus - Block it with Barrier!

Suicune roared and a blue barrier appears around him, protecting himself from the attack.

Perseus - Use Bubble Beam!

A blue ball forms in Suicune's mouth. Suicune then shoots multiple amounts of blue bubbles at the opponent from the blue ball.

Ash - Use Ember Wrathan!

Wrathan uses his gun and shoots bolts of fire from it at the opponent.

The two attacks collided resulting into a explosion and the smoke now covered the battlefield.

Ash - Use your wings to blow the smoke away, Wrathan.

Wrathan began to flap his wings to blow the smoke away. When he is done, Suicune is nowhere to be found.

Ash - Damn. Where did Suicune go?

Perseus - Use Ice Beam!

Up in the air, Suicune formed a light blue ball forms in front of his mouth. Then, multiple light blue or white beams fires at the opponent. The attack hit Wrathan as he roared in pain and he received minimal damage. (Wrathan's hp 68.89%)

Perseus - Man, that attack barely did damage to him.

Ash - It's because that Wrathan is a Fire, Dark and Demon type pokémon meaning, Ice attacks will deal less damage to him.

Perseus - Of course I know that. I just made a mistake there.

Ash - Anyway, let's continue our battle.

Perseus - Right, Keystone respond to my heart and soul, go beyond Evolution. Mega Evolve!

In all of a sudden, a white light hit Suicune and its trainer as Suicune began to change his appearance. When the light died down, Mega Suicune made his first appearance on the battlefield.

Ash - Ooh. A Mega Suicune.

(Mega Suicune)

(Mega Suicune)

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