Chapter 10: Arrival at Viridian City

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After leaving the place where Team Rocket resides, Ash is now going through the forest and  after a while he decided to take a break for a while. After 20 minutes of break, he and Pikachu is now ready again to go through the forest.

Moments later,

Ash - "Finally, We've been able to reach the city." he said while exiting the forest.

Pikachu - "Pikachu."

He walked out through out the forest and he spotted a sign says, "Welcome to Viridian City. Hope you will have fun staying here."

Ash - "It looks like this is a city called Viridian City. Come on, Pikachu. Let's pack up some supplies we need."

Pikachu - "Pika, pikapi. (Right, let's go)."

Ash now enter the city and while exploring the city, he saw a shop which called "Food Shop". He entered the shop and saw many kinds of food including berries and pokémon food as well. He started to gather all the food while a carrying a basket that he needed on his journey. After gathering, he went to the counter and said,

Ash - "How much?"

The store clerk said,

Note: (S.C means store clerk, so don't be confused what does S.C means.)

S.C - "That will be 397 pokè dollars, sir."

Ash payed 400 pokè dollars and the clerk give him the change which is 3 pokè dollars. After that, he left the shop while clerk saying,

S.C - "Hope you have good day sir and when you get the chance, you can come back here if you want to."

Ash - "I will and thanks."

With that he left the shop. Now he is holding a plastic bag full of food that he needed. He is now finding a place where he can relax for a while. After 12 minutes of finding, he was able to find a park. He sit there on a bench and started talking to Pikachu telepathically.

Ash - "How was your day buddy?"

Pikachu - "It's been great, Ash."

Ash - "Great."

Note: (Imagine the time here is almost night, maybe around 5:30 pm)

After talking some stuff, He arrange his newly bought food to his backpack also he included the plastic bag in case he needed that and stand on the bench and started walking to the Pokèmon center because it's getting late already. After 10 minutes of walking, He now finds the Pokèmon center. He went to the counter and said to nurse joy,

Ash - "Um, Nurse Joy, Can you please register me to the Indigo League?" he said with respect.

Nurse Joy - "Yes, now please hand to me your pokèdex."

Ash - "Oh, sorry but I don't have a pokèdex but I do have a nanodex. Can you register me using my nanodex?"

Nurse Joy - "I'll try."

Ash - "Thanks."

Ash handed to Nurse Joy his nanodex now started typing on her computer and luckily, she was able to register Ash to the league.

Nurse Joy - "You are now registered to the league. *while giving to Ash his nanodex*"

Ash - "Thanks, Nurse Joy. Now can I stay here for the night?"

Nurse Joy - "Sure you can. Here are your dorm number and the key."

Ash checked the time and it was 5:50 pm and his dorm number is 9. He now proceed to his dorm upon reaching his dorm, he placed his bag on the table and sat on his bed which it is soft and comfortable. So comfortable that you don't need to wake up anymore.

Ash - "Wow, this bed sure is very comfortable, right, Pikachu?"

Pikachu - "Pikachu! (Yes, Ash)." he said while rolling himself on the bed.

He looks again on the wall clock and it tells 6:05 pm. He decided to hit the bed early after the Team Rocket elimination and gathering the supplies.

Ash - "Well Pikachu, let's hit the bed early so that we can prepare for our first gym battle tomorrow."

Pikachu - "Pikachu pi, Pipikachu. (I guess you're right, let's hit the bed early.)"

Ash - "Good night, Pikachu." he said while yawning.

Pikachu - "Pikachu. (Good night.)"

Without wasting time, they fall asleep on their very comfortable bed.

Meanwhile in the Hall Of Origins,

Arceus said while watching Ash,

Arceus - "Good luck with your first gym battle, Ash. I am hoping that you will earn all 8 badges and claim the title of being the Champion in Kanto." She said while smiling.

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