Season 2, Chapter 15: Charizard's New Transformations

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Ash - After the two of you spar, Arceus, please teach Charizard how to transform to his Ancient Dragon Form because I will use that form against Kyle.

Ancient Dragon Arceus - Right away.

Serena - I can't believe he commands the Goddess of Pokémon like that. She said amazed.

Dawn - You and me both.

Perseus - He is the God of Equity and Destruction after all.

All the girls - Eh?!?!?!?!? They exclaimed in shock.

Lillie - Hey Ash!

Ash - What is it, Lillie.

Lillie then approached to him and said,

Lillie - I've heard from Perseus that you are the God of Equity and Destruction. Is that true?

Ash - Oh that? Yes it is true.

Lillie - If so then how did you claim those titles?

Ash and Lillie then sat down on the vacant seats.

Ash - *as he looks at Ancient Dragon Arceus and Charizard while smiling* I claimed those titles when I was successfully defeated all the evil organizations in the whole world with the help of Arceus and the rest.

Lillie - Ahh I see. Just curious, How did you caught Arceus, The Goddess of Pokémon?

Ash - I didn't caught her. She joined me on my journeys while I travel to Kanto up to Alola. Oh yeah, two more fun facts about me, I am an immortal and a never-aging god.

Lillie - You mean you have the power of Immortality and Eternal Youth?! She said amazed.

Ash - You can say that again. With these powers I will never die and never get old. I am now like this forever.

Lillie - You are so amazing, Ashy! She said with gleam on her eyes and a slight blush on her cheeks.

Ash - *chuckle* Thanks, and where did Ashy come from?

Lillie - Oh it's a nickname that I made for you.

Ash - Aww. Thank you Lillie, you are so sweet. You can call me that when we are alone, okay?

Lillie - No problem Ash. She said with a closed-eye smile.

Ash then began to scratch his nose and he said nervously,

Ash - I-I forgot to t-tell you this but y-y-you are so b-beautiful a-and a-attractive. He stutters while blushing.

Lillie - Oh what's this? An all powerful god is blushing and stuttering? What a nice surprise. She said with a cute giggle.

Lillie - On what you have said earlier, Thank you Ash. I really mean it. No one ever called me beautiful and attractive except you. She said also blushing.

Ash - Lillie....

In all of a sudden, Ash's right hand moved on its own as he caress Lillie's beautiful, white and smooth cheek.

Ash - You know, you have a beautiful face Lillie. Though I don't why the other boys in our school is not attracted to you. But that doesn't matter.

Lillie then hold Ash's hand on her cheek and said sweetly.

Lillie - Thank you so much, Ash. I've never been felt so happier than before. When I saw a glimpse of you, it can really made my day more blissful than before.

Ash - Same goes to me.

Ancient Dragon Arceus and a normal Charizard is now done sparring with each other. Arceus then reverted back to her normal form and she noticed that Ash is holding Lillie's cheek while smiling with each other.

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