Season 2, Chapter 19: An unexpected meeting from the Past

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Ash - Before you start... *he wiped the tears away from his sensei's eyes with a tissue*

After wiping the tears, he disintegrate the tissue paper as it disappeared into blue flames by making it to float on his hand and when he clenched his fist, the tissue paper was burnt away.

Cynthia - What did you just do?

Ash - Oh. I disintegrated the tissue paper with blue flames by the power of Aura Flames Manipulation. Moving on to the main topic, you may start. I'll discuss later what is Aura Flames Manipulation.

Cynthia - Okay. What I'm going to tell you is my dark, miserable and horrible past that it lead me to to loose all of my self-esteem and self-confidence when facing too much people or sometimes when people look at me.

Ash - Oh I see. It is indeed horrible.

Cynthia - Okay. When I was in my teenage years, I was sent here in Alola to study by the mysterious teenage boy because my parents just recently died in Sinnoh because of the Team Galactic.

Ash - What did they do?

Cynthia - They tortured them until they die because of me. *as a tear appeared on her eye* They were protecting me because I have the knowledge on how to summon Dialga and Palkia somewhere in Sinnoh. I can't remember the specific place but anyway, Team Galactic's motives was to use their powers in order to rule the whole Sinnoh and eventually the whole world. Then one day, a mysterious teenage boy appeared and he killed every last one of the Team Galactic's people and eventually their leader. Once he killed them, he saved me and he said that everything will be alright because he will stay on my side. From there, I hug him tightly, not wanting to let go. Later, we went to a small shack and we lived there for 4 years. In case you are wondering, My age when my parents died is 16 years old. Then after 4 years of living in Sinnoh, he then sent me to Alola through his flight powers and he said to me that he will be back once he eliminates all of the evil organizations all over the world. From that day on, he never came back to me and so, when I was 21 years old I began to study here for only 4 months and I eventually became a teacher here until now. When he went away, I didn't even catch his name. It's all thanks to him that I learned so many things and lessons in life and in pokémon as well. When I began to teach here, my self-esteem and self-confidence suddenly came back to me and I'm very happy with it. Once again, it's all thanks to him. He is truly my hero.

Ash then stood up as he remembered something. Something that is very familiar to him. He then began to chuckle out of nowhere.

Cynthia - Why did you suddenly began to laugh? She said sadly as she stood up.

Ash - Oh. It's just, I remembered something really important and really connected to your story.

Cynthia - What is it? Can you please tell me if you know my hero in life?

Ash - Okay. What I am going to reveal to you will really shock you to the deepest part of your body. Now, Are you ready?

Cynthia - Yes.

Ash - Okay. The person that saved you from Team Galactic is............ Me.

Then a cricket sound was being heard. Until.......

Cynthia - Eh? Eh??!! EEEEEEEHHHHHHHHH?!

Ash - Shocking right?! I've been pretending this whole time. That pretending began when I came back to Alola and saw you for the second time. So, I'm very proud of you sensei or should I say, Cynthia-chan.

Cynthia - I-I-I-I can't believe it. It's you this whole time. The mysterious teenage boy who saved me from Team Galactic is you, Ash. She said utterly and completely shocked.

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